Soup and bread rolls

Prepare your own soup.
First, put 50 grams of cooked high-quality flour in the pot.
Add 250 grams of milk to the...


Coconut milk and butter

A dessert for children, a sweet and sour dessert with a cute hedgehog shape, let them love it!...


Esowash spiced bread

This is a French blue-belt bread recipe, and it used to make three 270 gram loaves of bread, and I converted it into one, and I used a three-carat gold toaster to bake exactly one loaf.The ingredients of the fermentation dough are: 250 grams of high starch powder, 160 ml of water, 2.5 grams of dry yeast, 4.5 grams of salt, take the ingredients and smooth dough (salt and yeast do not come into direct contact), put in the pot for fermentation for more than 4 hours (or after 1-2 hours of fermentation put in the refrig...


The simplest starter bread

Today I'm going to introduce you to one of the easiest starter breads, which, if you try it for the first time, is suitable for making on a Friday night and baking on a Saturday morning, so you can enjoy a breakfast with fresh bread slowly and without stress. ...


Onion meal pack

The ingredients are ready, add all the ingredients in the flour (except the butter for now) add water slowly! add until ...


Walnut, pumpkin, and grapefruit basket

I don't like to eat rice pudding, but I don't want to put it away for a long time, so I made it into rice pudding bread....


Onion bread

Onion bread is a common bread in bakeries, regardless of the organization of the dough, it will be overlooked by the deliciousness of the onion, and the shape is beautiful, even with ordinary flour it is still fragrant, so this simple bread is very popular with beginners. ...


Ham bread

The boy who always makes toast at home is bored, so let's change the pattern, put ham in the bread, and eat it happily....


Cheese bags

Let's make some of the most popular cheese bags on the internet!...


Chocolate rolls

Today's chocolate bread roll is a failure, I wanted to add pure chocolate to the bread roll, it must be delicious, I didn't expect that in the process of fermenting the bread, the chocolate turned into a pan, alas, it's a pity, but it didn't affect the baking of the bread, there is still a small amount of chocolate in the bread roll, it's also delicious. ...


Beans and bread

This braided bread, very good operation, I just looked at it and remembered, it has a little soy sauce filling in it, it's baked very layered, I like to make bread, but I'm afraid to make bad friends can refer to this bread, try it and know. ...


Wheat bread

Put all the ingredients (except butter and bacon) in the baking machine, select the face block, wait for the dough to fi...
