Cheese head

She's still small, she's hungry, she's got the materials at home, so I'm thinking of making some little ones to give her something to eat, no additives, no dyes, pure natural food, absolutely suitable for my baby.There's a main one that can be taken as bait to feed porridge, hey hey...


Shuffle cheese cake

Teacher Koizuma's recipe, reduced to two-thirds, is for fresh food, but also feels high in calories, careful entry.But the taste after refrigeration is really instant, the cream is thick and sweet, and it's worth the effort. ...


Whole wheat sweet potatoes

In fact, it's not, it's just that Sagittarius is too lively, loves to make plans, but it's also a big change, as long as it's for the better. What's more, potatoes are really good things, thick fiber, taste sweet and soft and sticky, it's good to eat alone, eating more potatoes can also increase stomach cramps, treat constipation, but he also has a bad place, eats more love to fart.Don't worry about him, eat the good stuff first.It's also a delicious way to give coarse grain a snack without refined flour, with a po...


Painting of love cake rolls

It's a delicious cake, and with a little bit of innovation, it becomes different. ...


Cocoa and macaroni

Almond flour, sugar flour and cocoa powder mixed and then sifted (actually I didn't have the patience = = half of the ba...


Hokkaido toast

I've been making a lot of toast in a row lately, but I haven't challenged Hokkaido, this time I just bought two boxes of light cream, so I'm ready to try it.Ms. Yang's Hokkaido recipe has been around for a long time, and has been hailed as a classic by baking enthusiasts online, and this time, of course, it's using her recipe.The square of the queen is made from 100% medium-sized flour, that is, all the flour is in the medium-sized dough, and only some ingredients are added when making the main dough. ...


Portuguese eggs

Milk mixed with sugar to dissolve the water (do not boil)
Cool to 50 to 60 degrees Celsius and add the stirred egg j...


Protein and crispy sesame cake

A super-simple cookie, with no hassle-inducing steps, and you don't have to worry about the bottom-up technique when stirring.It can be stirred randomly, as long as it's even.It's perfect when you don't have a lot of time or want to save money. ...


It's the wind.

I bought a new model of Savarin, and I tried to make it according to the recipe of Savarin.It's the taste of my childhood cake....


Soft cheese balls

Preparation of materials
Butter, cream, and cheese softened at room temperature
The softened butter is added to ...


Macaroni with zero difficulty

Many people think that macaroons should be made by skilled people, so they can only look back, in fact, today's macaroons can even be operated by baking cabbages, as long as you understand a few points, you can successfully make macaroons!!!...


Rainbow cheesecake

Because like, because it's my dream. ...
