Onion and meatballs

The post-oil method involves kneading the dough until it is fully expanded and fermenting it at room temperature to 2 to...


Cream and cranberry bread

Start the baking machine and knead the dough for 20 minutes with butter, cranberry, and cream.
Add butter (cut as th...


Walnut bread

The story behind this dish: the role of walnuts: the phosphorus in walnuts, has a good health effect on the brain nerves, walnut oil contains unsaturated fatty acids, has anti-arteriosclerosis effects, walnut seeds contain trace elements such as zinc, manganese, and chromium, which are essential for the human body.In winter, it is very effective in treating chronic bronchitis and asthma patients, and in winter it can also moisturize the skin and beauty, as can be seen by regular consumption of walnuts, both healthy...


Tofu bread

There are many varieties of bread on the market today.I remember when I was a kid, the most common thing was that old-fashioned bread with nothing added, and in elementary school, it was two cents a loaf.And then there's the tofu sandwich, which not only looks beautiful, but the tofu filling is especially delicious.Every time my mother went to the county town, she would bring us some back, and the joy was indescribable.Nowadays, bean sandwiches are still common, and the smooth, sweet filling is still so tempting, u...


Danish handmade bread

I made a super baked bread, and what I didn't realize when I made it was that the person who took the picture collapsed.The pictures are a little bit more, a little bit more streamlined, the feeling is a little bit more, I want to use it on the puzzle, I'm afraid you won't see it clearly, you won't understand it, the final decision is still a picture, step by step.The method of shaping is to customize the first letter of my name to my own personality, and you don't have to do it according to my shaping, you can tea...


Four-leaf clover bread

80 grams of water plus 20 grams of flour, put the milk in a pot, stir until it is transparent, no particles, you can mat...


Honey bean bread

I've always found braids to be a bit of a hassle, so I haven't done it, and I like bread with stuffing in it, but it's not very well wrapped, but I still have to add it, and the beans are still very tasty.This is a one-time fermentation method that saves time, taste, and aging of the bread, so you can come and try it. ...


Golden cheese and cheese toast

Preparing all the intermediate materials
Mix all the ingredients evenly into a dough that can be left at room temper...


Long slices of bread

High starch flour, low starch flour, white sugar, salt, yeast, egg juice are poured into a stainless steel bowl, then st...


Onion and sausage bread

I've had enough of sweet bread, I'm going to make some salty sausage bread tonight, it smells special!...


Onion butter wrapped

My daughter is on vacation, and she's hungry for something to eat, so she gave me a list of foods that her baby wants to eat, and besides all kinds of meat, onion butter bread is the number one staple, and there's no substitute for it.For the onion control, this bread is indeed a desirable delicacy.The original onion butter bread was for cutting, and a friend of mine gave me a recipe for packing, so I made this onion butter pack, and it tastes just as good!...


Heart-printed corn cheese bags

What a big pit is baking? It's a pit that struggles with food stocks every day! Light cream takes three days to finish, bacon takes a week to finish, all kinds of seasonings are not lacking, but the frequency of use can be measured in half a year.A few days ago, I was making tomato toast, and the devil made me add the wrong flour, and when I woke up, the flour had been mixed together, but fortunately the butter had not been added, so the extra dough was a piece of Italian yeast with 60% water content.Italian yeast ...
