Honey beans and cranberries

One of my favorite pastries at Starbucks is honey pie, and today I was at home at 7 p.m. and I didn't know what to do, so I thought I'd make a pastry and take it to work.I thought I had some leftover beans in my house the day before I made the milk red bean ice cream, so I just used it. ...


Cinnamon and cranberry bread

Measuring cups
Cinnamon powder
The yeast
Dried cranberries
Put all the ingredients except the dried frui...


Crossing the House of Soft Europe

All the ingredients are put in a small bucket in the packaging machine (yeast can't be put together with water) and the ...


Cranberry bread rolls

Prepare the raw materials.
The raw material is poured into the packaging machine in the order of first liquid and th...


Dried bread with rye fruit

First, soak the raisins and cranberries in dry, clear water for half an hour, and then add the dried water.
Put all ...


Tea and cheese bread

A small loaf of bread with mashed potatoes and cheese, with some changes.The colors are fresh, the skin is crisp, the filling is sweet, the cranberries are inlaid, it's like a newly blooming spring flower, let's say hi to spring....


Medium-sized ultra-soft bread without gloves, cranberry bread without butter, and lard bread

A friend of mine had just bought an oven and wanted to make bread, so he asked me what kind of bread was the softest and best to eat.Then ask me what's in the middle...Well, to put it simply, the method is to first add the yeast to a part of the flour, knead it into a dough, make it into a seed dough, ferment it at low temperature for a few hours, then add some flour and other materials such as dried fruit, do a second fermentation and baking.Bread made with refrigerated dough is particularly soft, tastes good, and...


A small meal pack of cranberry cheese

This is one of my favorite fillings, I've always thought cranberries and cheese go well together. Ingredients: main dough: 300g high starch flour, 54g fine sugar, 40g egg yolk, 144g milk, 3g salt, 3g yeast, 60g cream cheese, 24g butter. Fillings: 175g cream cheese, 50g powdered sugar, 10g almond flour, 40g cranberry powder....


Dried cranberry raisins

The dough material, except for the butter, is placed in the cook's bucket, the dough is rubbed by hand until it is in th...


Dried egg yolk and flower rings

Bread is a staple of my family's baking, and it's convenient for breakfast or snacks.Toast is economical, but I prefer to make flowery bread.One is to satisfy one's hobbies, and the other is to be able to put some of one's favorite fruits and vegetables in it.So let's take a look at this beautifully decorated bread below!...


Black sugar and cranberry toast

One-click toast is simple and delicious, you don't need to observe the degree of fermentation of the bread; you don't need to shape it, you put all the ingredients in the bowl and start the bread machine so you can enjoy delicious and healthy bread, even the jam and handmade dough patterns can be easily handed over to the bread machine.After many baking experiences, people have shared that good bread must be made by hand, but for beginners who have just started baking, it is estimated that it will take some time to...


Cranberries and desserts

Different molds can be converted according to the table below, depending on the size of the molds themselves.
First ...
