Cranberry cookies

Preparation of materials
Dried cranberries cut into small pieces
Cut the butter into small pieces, put it in a l...


hand-made cupcake

Butter softened at room temperature, hand-fired.
Add sugar and stir until the volume is slightly large and flaky.


A simple pumpkin pudding for Thanksgiving

One of my students has been living with his parents in Canada for over a year.In the beginning, we went to a university in a foreign country, but we don't live together anymore, but we live in a dormitory, and this year, in the second year, we finally rented a house and cooked our own food.Thanksgiving is coming up, and close friends are getting ready to go home to their parents.I'm far away, but it's nice to celebrate alone!...


Walnut, oatmeal, and crispy berries

If you want a high-fiber, low-fat, delicious afternoon tea, you can't miss this walnut, oatmeal, and crispy berry....


Lemon and yogurt muffins - soft version

After softening the butter at room temperature, add fine sugar, salt, and use an electric egg beater to make it fluffy a...


Cranberry whipped cream cake

On the 11th National Day, there are a few days of vacation at home, it's good to take advantage of this vacation to work when it's fair, it's good to take a vacation at home; I also did some cooking at home while we both ate and watched the series...I used some lemon peel to make some lemon-flavored sugar, and this time I used this sugar to make a cake that tastes pretty good and is very convenient to use.My husband won't be back in Shanghai for a while, he won't have any snacks for a while; he asked me to make som...


Cranberry toast and cranberry toast

After baking, the total time is more than ten minutes, and the middle three hours are spent drying the bread machine.1000 grams of European toast..The advantage is that it's soft and delicious... ...


The practice of cranberry Swiss cake rolls

Prepare the ingredients, the pan, the oil and paper.
The cranberries are chopped and sprinkled with some powder.


The cranberry muffin cake

Pour the milk into the bowl, add the vegetable oil, add the scattered egg juice, stir evenly.
A mixture of flour, ba...


The cranberry angel cake

Some time ago, I bought a bag of dried cranberries online, and this time I changed the way I ate it, I made an angel cake, it tasted very good, I wanted a white cake with some purple cranberries on it, it would definitely be beautiful.Ha, this time I baked the cake for a long time, the fire was big, let the white angel cake cover the yellow robe, but the taste is still quite good.When you make a cake, you don't use oil, you remove the egg yolk from the egg, you just use protein, you have lower calories, you have lo...


The golden egg.

Yesterday evening I received a box full of golden berries from Jiawo Agriculture, and I could see that even my cat was excited, and he smelled them one by one, and finally he sat on the box for half a day, and no one let him touch it.Although I also like to eat dried fruit, it can preserve most of the minerals and other nutrients of the original fruit, but it only loses vitamins with water, this golden-grade parsley, in any case, does not shy away from its essence, the flowers are folded straight, the golden fruit ...


Cranberry toast

All materials are placed in the packaging machine in the order of liquid and solid.
Eggs - water - butter - salt - s...
