Bags of pineapple soup

The pineapple bag actually has no pineapple ingredients, and there is no filling in the middle of the bread.It is called a pineapple bag because of its golden-yellow, bumpy, crisp, pineapple-like skin.Pineapple bags originated in Hong Kong, where it is said that the people of Hong Kong considered the bags to be tasteless, so they added sweet fillings such as sugar to the bags.The crispy skin on the outer surface of the pineapple bag is the soul of the pineapple bag, adding flavor to ordinary bread, and is good for ...


Cocoa and mashed bread

Ever since I learned to bake, I've loved soft bread, I love its simple shape but with a rich flavor. In 2015, I made N different flavors of soft bread, of which this cocoa and mashed potatoes soft bread is my favorite, most delicious and favorite bread.Speaking of which, someone must be asking: What is cassava? Cassava is a traditional food that originated in Taiwan and Japan and is very popular, commonly known as glutinous rice in the mainland.Wrap it in the middle of the bread, add the soy sauce filling and the d...


Soups and stews

I've always loved the fragrance of coconut, but this time I'm making a coconut stew with soup, and the bread is very soft and delicious!...


Warm three-color bread

The warmth of the summer wind blows through my hair and through my ears! When I first saw this photo, it reminded me of this song.The warm sunlight makes you want to disguise yourself for this bread, lying idly in this stillness. ...
