Gulov - The Bread of Christmas II

The other day I made a panettone, and Gogolov is a Christmas bread, and it's rich in fruit, and it tastes sweet, and it makes you feel happy. ...


Small stone meat loaf

A loaf of bread, a loaf of bread, a loaf of bread...


Fruit of the Christmas Tree

Sometimes innovation is as simple as that....


Super detailed Christmas bread rings

After weighing the flour, salt, sugar, eggs, water, milk powder and yeast, throw a brain into the bread maker.
Of co...


The diamond-shaped bread

All the ingredients of the dough are poured into the container in the order of first the liquid and then the powder, and...


Red bean sandwiches

I made some more soy sauce when I was making strawberry sauce, thinking that I could make a snowflake soy sauce or something like that for New Year's.Today I opened the fridge and saw that there was still a lot of soy sauce, and there was still some left over, so why not make some more soy sauce bread? ...


Mountain walnut bread

It's been a long time since I've made bread, but today I made a bag of walnut milk.This is a delicious hand-made bread.The rich flavor of refined milk and the slightly salty taste of mountain walnuts go well together.Breakfast and two kids almost killed one, so how popular is it?The mold I used was a three-by-six-inch cake mold, and it was just full of mold. ...


Honey and toast

Honey toast is also known as: bread temptation.It is characterized by a crisp and fragrant skin on the outside, soft honey bread on the inside, ice cream balls and then cold hot fusion, and fresh fruit that feels like it's sliding down your throat. ...


Ham and corn salad bread

My mother-in-law's sweet corn is about to be fried, and she suddenly wants to make this bread. ...


Bread bible-48h low-temperature fermentation based on brie

Make the sponge head a day in advance: 50 g of natural yeast + 75 g of high-fiber flour + 85 g of water mixed into a dou...


Bread bible-48h low-temperature fermentation 30% naked macronutrient

Twice as big at room temperature
Put it in the fridge for an hour, and the dough will obviously grow a lot.


Beans and bread

For a person who doesn't make braids, but always wants to make braid bread, is it a little too selfish, this time I challenged six braids, although it's still no braids, the finished product doesn't look too bad!!! The key is that this bread is good to eat, it contains sweet soy sauce, soy sauce filling is also made by myself!! Oh! After I bought my own oven to learn how to bake, I can no longer see what is sold outside the West Point store, or I can make my own real material, without all sorts of bad additives, it...
