The Gingerbread House

Every child has their own fairy-tale cabin in their heart, so when Christmas comes, build a gingerbread house and make your fairy-tale dreams come true!...


Cups of cream red cake

Because of its unique shape, the first yogurt cake cup made with it has attracted a lot of attention.I also love this mold, and I've made a few dishes out of it.Today's cup of cake, because it's made with a little bit of red pepper, it's getting more and more delicious.I wrapped it in a bunch of butterflies with green ribbon, and I sprinkled it with sweet cream and a few gem-like pomegranates, and it was like a very beautiful girl, very shy.The flour is the newest product of the brand, which is also used for the fi...


Chocolate flour cake

Two days ago, I wanted to make an afternoon tea, and I was inspired, and I didn't know what to do, and an MM at MIT recommended this chocolate cake.I've got a lot of chocolates at home, so I'm going to take this opportunity to destroy them!Chocolate flour cake is a very popular dessert after dinner in this American restaurant, but I didn't try it, I was afraid it would be too sweet to eat, but I was strongly recommended by the cylinder several times, just make it yourself.But a spoonful of chocolate when it comes o...


Chocolate cake - a Christmas gift for children

The most desired Christmas for children is the gifts brought by Santa Claus on Christmas Eve, I bought this mold to make gifts for children, I searched for N recipes on the Internet, mostly with butter and bubble powder, after trying to use vegetable oil instead of butter, I gave up bubble powder to make a good effect, so share it with everyone, and also wish all the little babies in the family happy Christmas in advance!...


Chocolate cake at home

100 small cakes from Teacher Yang Meng....


Olio yogurt mousse

I love olive oil, I go to the supermarket and I always bring one back, my husband always says, what's good to eat, it's so bitter, well, luckily now the little one likes it as much as I do, so... she eats mini olive oil, I eat big olive oil.I cleaned out the fridge, and I had half a can of whipped cream and a can of yogurt, so I took the snack-sized Oreo from home and combined it with a homemade, delicious, oven-free version of Moose, and that's how I was born.I like black and white, whether it's clothes or food, i...


Banana pound cake

The sweetness of the banana combined with the pound cake is loved by the elderly and children of the family.A busy weekend, a cup of hot milk, two pieces of banana pound cake, a good day starts with breakfast!Pound cake length 17 cm * width 8 cm height 6 cm groove mold a (may be larger than or less than 1 cm) folding method of baking paper, see basic raw flavored pound cake (may also be smeared with butter) easy demolding 170 degrees 50-60 minutes middle layer up and down fire...


Birthday cake for small cars

For my nephew's birthday, I made a car cake for him.It was also my first time making a car, and I didn't have a car mold, so I made a cake out of it.My nephew was going to invite his kids, but he thought an eight-inch one wasn't big enough, so I made a sponge cake as a base, so it would look bigger.Therefore, this cake is divided into three parts: an eight-inch round cake, an eight-inch square mold to make a sponge cake, and cream to decorate the face. ...


The cake doughnut

Butter waterproofing softening
The eggs are placed in a container, mixed with fine sugar, and mixed evenly with an e...


Chocolate box cake

Corn oil, milk (water), salt, sugar in the bowl
Separate the egg yolk and put the egg yolk in step one.
Flour an...


Sour cheese cake

It's my friend's mom's birthday, it's a weekday, I can only hurry up and make a mousse cake, save time to apply the cream, hip hip! The mousse has cake slices, mango beans, plus homemade sour cheese, the taste is actually quite good, the chocolate from the printing press is also good to eat oh~...


The sweetness of the pumpkin bread harvest season

Peel and slice the pumpkin;
Put it in a steamer and steam it separately;
Squeeze the excess water with a spoon, ...
