Fruits and naked cakes

This cake embryo uses a small four-volume recipe, which is really soft and tasty.It is accompanied by sweet cream with rum and plenty of fresh fruit.One of the advantages of naked cakes is that they don't need to be baked, and they're easy to make for beginners!...


Light cream

The cream is frozen, you can't send the cream, it's so good, it's just frozen, you can't throw it away, and then you see a recipe like this, try it, try it, try it, try it, try it....


Sikkim and Sikkim

This English dessert is very simple to make, it has a very different taste, it's a dessert after tea, it's a dessert after tea....


English pancakes

Don't be too thin, I'm too thin the first time, easy to bake, also baked like a cookie...


The Black Forest cake

It's been a year since I've been exposed to baking, and I've always felt that the Black Forest is a cake that has to be made in the process of baking, but until today I made it for the first time, the famous Black Forest is very simple to make, and you don't even need to send an egg to do it, so if you're new to baking, don't worry, you can make a beautiful cake too.If you cut the cake embryo into three pieces, the cake will be more beautiful when it is cut, so don't be lazy, it will make a more beautiful cake. ...


Cherry mousse

This cake, which I use directly, is made from the dough of the Chiang Kai-shek cake.The recipe is poured into a 6-inch cake mold, baked for about 50 minutes, then sliced into three slices to make the cake body the same....


Santa's cake rolls

That's a lot of dough for my home grill, so I made a few more paper cupcakes.This cake roll is made with fruit juice and dried fruit, which are all high in sugar, so when you make the cake, you reduce a lot of sugar, you don't get too full and it's healthier!...


Chocolate cheese cake

It's rare to make a birthday cake at such a high temperature, worrying that the cake will disappear if you don't get it, and finally think about whether you want to make this cheesecake or not.This cake is made for a child! Girls love to be beautiful, especially when they wear dresses, they are even more beautiful! Give this dress cake to Sushi hopefully she will like it! Wishing this birthday sister health and happiness every day!...


What is the name of the city?

To say that my favorite dessert, when it's tiramisu, every time I taste it, I feel the flavor dancing on the tip of my tongue, I can't enjoy it, but its price will also shake after I enjoy it, now it's good, I learned to do it, although the first time it was not very beautiful, but the taste is not discounted, it's absolutely delicious...


The flower cake rolls.

That laughter reminds me of my flowers that I love in every corner of my life, especially the one in English that she sings very well, I listen to Fan Fan's songs from time to time, and when I listen to them more, I feel very tired, only this song can be listened to over and over again, and now I still love, always thinking about how good it would be to have a version of Yang Yi one day....


Cocoa sponge

It's my husband's birthday, he likes to eat chocolate the most, so on his birthday I have to make chocolate for him, I'm angry that yesterday my stomach started to hurt especially, I felt tired walking, is it really old? Or what?...


Strawberry cakes and pastries

Strawberry shortcake is a fresh cream cake with a strawberry flavor.The most popular of the many flavors is the fresh strawberry strawberry cake, the freshest strawberry in the spring, the most juicy, the sweetest, the most acidic, the most delicious, the most unmissable delicious cake in the spring. ...
