Orange and cream cake rolls

The skin is thin, the meat is juicy and sweet, but it's not addictive to eat raw.So I wanted to combine it with cake.It turned out to be great!...


Little sheep paper cup cake

Using the sponge cake body of Teacher Choi. ...


Cup and paper cake

I like the sweetness of the cake with the cream, and the cute paper cup cake is more to increase the appetite, not only the appearance is small and cute, the variety is abundant, the creativity is full, the taste is sweet and delicious, it makes people want to eat. ...


Cheese pudding

The pudding itself is a very simple dessert, and the most important thing is to control the heat.This pudding is a classic, and everyone who has made it has praised it.It's delicious, it tastes good, and a spoonful of it is an endless feeling of happiness!...


Paper cups and cakes

Soft and sweet...


Coffee and cheese

Coffee is the most luxurious beverage that mankind has ever had, and it brings to people the sweetness of bitterness, a taste as subtle as life, which can only be tasted by those who know life.Today Tomatoes brings you a coffee cheese, taste the sweetness of life's bitterness.?...


Double layered birthday cake

The dreamy sweet birthday cake looks delicious, so hurry up and move your hands together with the tomatoes to make the sweet cake, okay?...


Fruit and tea cake

Yesterday was George's day with his little friends.He made an appointment with me earlier for a cream cake.Because his friends are dying to eat his aunt's cake.If the kids want to eat, my aunt will have to satisfy him first.So I made a tea-flavored, oil-free cake embryo, topped with cream and fruit.In the eyes of young children, cream and fruit are cake.I also passed by the banquet yesterday, and I was quite pleased to see the joy of George and his little friends eating, and I, as a spectator, was quite pleased.See...


Flower cake

My son's birthday is coming up, so I have to start practicing.I made a birthday cake with my own hands.If you want to use cream, you have to break through animal cream.All right, let's start, there's always the first one.The first one, no matter how hard it is for her to see, to send out, to leave evidence, so that there can be a comparison later.Hey, clap your hands!...


Cream and cream cake

Since I learned to make cakes, I've never gone to a cake shop to buy cakes, and my family designs them for their birthdays.Starting with the simplest cake, I gradually learned how to make flowers, I started using light cream to make the simplest flower decorations, and then I gradually learned how to make flowers with cream.Although, there are many shortcomings in what I do.You can make your own cake, it's healthy, it's delicious, and you can design it the way you want it.This is a little eyebrow design for a good ...


Soft body version of the Tiramisu

I've been wanting to make tiramisu for a long time, and the materials are ready, so I don't have time to do it.Every day I'm busy, I don't know what I'm busy with, I always feel like my schedule is full, there's always the most important thing to do, so I drag and drag and drag until today.This issue of the baking class is cheese, that's got to make this cheese a lot of tiramisu.The finger biscuits are ready in advance, so start making tiramisu.I made a cup for each member of the family.I have to say, it tastes rea...


Light cream cakes

Make truffle chocolate leftover extra light cream, use it all, find a small cake square speed consume it ⁇ ...
