Chocolate cheese mousse cake

It's been a year of learning how to make cakes, and I've always thought that mousse cakes were too much trouble, and this time it's Spring Festival, and I've learned how to make two to share with my family and friends. ...


Confused doll cake

The egg yolk and protein are separated and placed separately in an oil-free, water-free stainless steel bowl, the egg yo...


Cream flower cake

It took a whole day to make a good cake, the light didn't work at night, we had to wait for the next day to shoot, so it didn't snow much all winter, the next day it snowed again, so we waited another day, the light cream around it was shrunk, it was very tight when we made it.The bouquet should be surrounded by more flowers, for fear of falling off and not daring to try.Practice and hope to do better in the future. ...


Fresh fruit chocolate cake

This cake changes the original chocolate's single flavor by adding a fruity sour-sweet flavor. ...


Cocoa and sponge cake

For the first time, I made a naked cake with cocoa powder, which tasted even better.Fruit is as simple as strawberries and blueberries."It's not perfect, but it's your own naked cake show, and it's beautiful inside!"...


Thousand layers of fruit cake

The thousand-layer cake, which has been popular in the world lately, is a cake that doesn't need an oven and can only be made in a frying pan.A layer of curry cake, fresh fruit, and cream layered together with little or no sophisticated technique, the finished product is unexpectedly noble.Choose as many fruits as you want, achieve the infinite possibilities of a thousand layers of cake; spring cake, tied with beautiful soft green ribbons, springy.Below is the 8-inch recipe....


Love the cake

Last year, I focused on making a few flower cakes, mostly for my own children's birthdays, and the flowers were very simple, on the one hand, the poor plasticity of animal cream, and on the other hand, the main reason, the flower technology was too bad.But then again, isn't the naked cake the same height, or is it too small for art?Well, let's just say it's my mother's birthday and I'm making a cake for the old man.Let's make a simple one with fruit in the shape of a heart.Ingredients: eight-inch whipped cream, 400...


Birthday cake for kitty cat

It's been three years since I've been exposed to baking, and when I first started, I thought I could make a perfect stew, so that's it."Later, when the wind was perfect, I wanted to make a flower cake, and when the dough was incomplete, I thought, if only one day I could do it to my satisfaction, and the flowers would still bloom."Of course, Kung Fu doesn't have a heart, it's a face that can be seen, and it's a flower that can be seen.I also thought that it would be nice to be able to make a variety of cartoon cake...


Rainbow cake

My neighbor's family had a cute baby, and I wanted to make a cake to congratulate her, and ask her what kind of cake to make, and the little guy recently liked to draw rainbows, and he said he had to make rainbows, so I wanted to try it too. ...


Fresh fruit cake

Naked cake refers to the outer layer of the cake without cream or cream, showing the material in the cake layer completely naked in front of the eyes, only a simple combination of flowers, green leaves and fruit decoration is possible, it is a representative of naturalism, without any unhealthy dyes and additives, showing the truest taste of all the original ingredients, forming a kind of return to the true natural beauty, not only with sincerity, but also with a more unique artistic sense.They look sweet and simpl...


Cherry ice cream cake

This is a birthday cake for a child, it's for dinner, so the cake can only be taken out at night, the light is a bit dark, the child likes it.The cold winter, the warm house, the ice-cold cherries, the smooth ice cream, the sweet cake, the mouthful of chocolate, it's so cool!...


Chocolate cake from the past

The chocolate of the afterlife, the love of the afterlife for you the afterlife!...
