Coconut sugar cake

The first time I saw this thing, I really thought it was a small potted plant.It's very similar....


Peach cakes

The first time, the details weren't perfect....


Olivia Cupcake is a private dessert

I've been watching the bankruptcy sisters lately, and I'm deeply in love with MAX, and I didn't expect that the women would also like to bake, haha, to see the lovely Sophie so fond of eating cupcakes made by MAX, and to see the white-haired Catherine running her paper cupcake house with MAX, and so on, and it's a really good feeling, and it made me want to open a bakery....


Cream of butter

Butter, sugar, salt, milk, and water are mixed together in a kneading pan and placed on an electromagnetic stove over me...


Rainbow cheesecake

Because like, because it's my dream. ...


Chocolate and blueberry cheese cake

The cake is an eight-inch square.It's a square, and there's some recipes in it. ...


Chocolate cream cake rolls

Egg yolks and proteins are separated and placed separately in clean, water-free, oil-free egg-making pots.
Start the...


Birthday cake with chestnuts

Make a chestnut cake to give you a reason to love autumn. ...


Warm afternoon tea with waffles

Late autumn weekend afternoons, free time, making a typical dessert from Central Europe, sitting in a hammock, reading a book, are the rhythm of life after a busy week.Waffles originated in the Netherlands, then floated across the ocean and became popular in China.It can be served as breakfast, lunch tea and afternoon tea with different sauces and fruits.This waffle cake uses the American waffle method, mixing all the ingredients into a paste, it doesn't take much time to ferment in advance, it tastes soft and crea...


Cup and paper cake

Egg yolk protein isolated
Egg yolk with 20 g white sugar slightly stirred, add cooking oil and milk to stir evenly


Thousand layers of cake

A few days ago, I was excited, I don't usually eat sweets, I went to buy a thousand layers of cake, and I got tired again.The price of the cake outside is always a little bit more expensive, but the quality is always a little bit less than the price.Or do it yourself. The skin of a thousand cakes is the skin of a banana.This one is four inches long, so if you're going to do it in a class, you have to do it in a big way....


Cream of butter

For me, bubbles are a symbol of happiness.Every bite of bubble makes life a little bit happier, so now let's make this recipe -- the recipe below is made with bubble wrap, and it tastes even better with this bubble wrap!...
