Cranberry butter cookies

Preparation of raw materials: butter pre-softened to a state that can be stirred by hand.
Cranberries soaked in rum ...


Cranberry cookies

All the materials
Cranberries cut into small grains
The butter is softened at room temperature, the sugar powder...


Cranberry cookies

After the butter has softened, add the sugar powder, stir evenly, then add the whole egg juice, continue stirring evenly...


Chocolate cookies

I personally like to eat the slightly bitter one, not too sweet, I always think it reflects the taste of chocolate, I added blackcurrant dried and cranberry dried to the original recipe, it tastes super good! When I was a child, my uncle brought me Danish cookies and blue canned cookies from abroad, every time I chose the dried one, so this time I tried it myself, it was always good, this time I was in a hurry, the picture was not very complete, but I tried to explain every link in the simplest language....


Italian crispy biscuits

Almond-Cranberry Biscotti without coffee is also very tasty. Although it is more troublesome, it is not really difficult to make, it is a very successful and delicious dessert....


Cranberry cookies

Butter and sugar powder mixed together
Add milk to the mixture.
Mix low-flour and salt through a sieve and add t...


Oatmeal cranberry cake

Something sweet always cures my bad mood.Enjoy the whole baking process...


Cranberry cookies

I softened the butter at room temperature, and I lazyly softened it into a liquid with insulating water.
Add white s...


Cranberry cookies

The taste of dried cranberry acid is my love.I bought the first cookie made in the oven.Then I fell in love with baking, and I couldn't pick it up. ...


Arabica and cranberry cookies

I've reduced the amount of oil and sugar as much as possible, and the calories are high, so every time I make a cookie, I try to keep the amount of oil and sugar to a minimum, so that I can eat a few more pieces with confidence.Let's take a look at some of the specifics below......


Cranberry cookies

Everyone who makes their own cookies at home, in addition to enjoying the mood, also for enjoying the natural flavor.Cranberry biscuits, without artificial additivesIt's absolutely natural, and it tastes pretty good. ...


Cranberry cookies

Put sugar powder in softened butter
Mix the sugar powder and butter evenly, this step does not need to be started
