Cranberry cookies

When you have all the ingredients ready, you don't have to waste time looking for them.
Waterproofing of butter (not...


Cranberry cookies

The first time I made a cookie, it was a success.My son likes it. ...


Cranberry cookies and cookies

I can only say it's really good....


Cranberry biscuits with chocolate flavor

1 After softening the butter, add the sugar powder to stir evenly The butter does not need to be stirred and the sugar p...


Almonds and cranberries

Let's take a closer look.
Fine sugar added to room-temperature softened butter
Use an electric egg beater to blo...


Cranberry cookies

This is what you call the simplest cookie, and in the process of making it, I found that it was a little uncontrollable for me.There are also small difficulties in the mixing process, hopefully I can learn from the good work, and later I can make this cookie. ...


Cranberry cookies

Soften the butter at room temperature with sugar powder and stir evenly (no need to stir)
Add the whole egg juice an...


Classic afternoon tea - rum and cranberry balls

After the cranberries are chopped, the garam is soaked for 20 minutes in rum cranberries.
The presidential butter is...


Cranberry cookies and cookies

The classic cranberry cookie recipe, the crispy leftovers, the sweetness of the butter and the sour sweetness of the cranberries are perfect!...


Cranberry cookies

Prepare the raw materials as shown in the figure.
After softening the butter, add the sugar powder and stir evenly, ...


Cranberry cookies and cookies

This is an excerpt from the book, which was published online for ease of memorization!...


Cranberry cookies and cookies

The softened butter is added to the sugar powder and stirred until completely mixed, or a small amount of salt may be ad...
