Cranberry cookies

If the cranberries are dried, they need to be cut back.
After softening the butter, add the sugar powder (individual...


Cranberry milk and cream

I didn't expect to get a good review from my friends! I hope to share it with everyone! The recipe is for one more time, so it's a little bigger, in fact, it doesn't matter, I didn't make this cookie very accurately, but it's still delicious, delicious!...


Cranberry biscuits are a great snack.

Cranberry biscuits should be one of the must-try desserts for every beginner, the practice is simple, the public can accept the likes, did it many times, always felt harder, one day found that there was a lot of almond flour (almonds) in the house, all for the purpose of making macaroni, but was lazy to do it, just happened to make biscuits, put some in the cranberry biscuits, the first time, put too much, so that it was crushed on the grill, it was really spicy, then adjusted the proportion several times, this rat...


Sweet potatoes

Preparing the food
Butter softening, mixed with sugar powder and milk powder
Mix it with the egg yolk.


The cranberry cookie

Cranberry cookies, not only appealing in taste, but also easy for moms to operate, children's favorite, afternoon snack...


Cranberry cookies

Making cookies yourself, you can be sure to choose the highest quality ingredients and choose a recipe without artificial additives.In addition to being delicious, it's also healthy. ...


Cranberry cookies

The butter is softened, sugar powder is added, and stirred evenly.
Add egg juice and dried cranberries.
Grind in...


The cranberry cookie

Butter softened with sugar powder
Add whole egg juice to stir evenly
Add chopped cranberries, dried and low-flou...


Cranberry cookies

I wanted to make the healthiest snacks for my babies, so I fell in love with baking, and this is the first cookie I made for my babies!...


Cranberry cookies and cookies

‘A small red berry, rich in great nutrients, is described as a cranberry! And the reason why it can be a health food is that in addition to the vitamin C, which is indispensable in fruits, there are many other nutrients that are the highest in the world of vegetables, so it has many benefits for human health. ⁇ Today I'm going to share with you a little something that's always in the family!...


Gingerbread from Nuremberg

Gingerbread is a very unique dessert that has a slightly spicy flavor in addition to the usual sweetness due to the fact that it contains ginger powder, cinnamon and cinnamon.Gingerbread is popular in Europe and the United States, and the practice of making gingerbread varies from country to country. One of the most famous is the Nuremberg Gingerbread (N&252;rnberger Lebkuchen) in Germany. It is not a crisp, hard gingerbread cookie, but a soft-tasting cake, usually with a layer of chocolate or sugar on the surface....


The cranberry cookie

All materials are ready for use.
The butter has to soften in advance, in winter I usually take it out one night in a...
