Apple cheese bread

The bread I want to eat...


Mexican yogurt bread

It's better to enjoy the food at home than to go out in the car. ...


Orange corn bread

8 x 4 inch bread mold 1...


Bacon and cornbread

All the ingredients except the butter are mixed in the cooking machine and then the dough is torn into small pieces and ...


Andama bread

The first loaf of bread made by the apprentice baker.The traditional recipe for this bread is to use a direct method, but this time I used a dipping solution and sponge yeast to evoke more flavor in the grain.Impregnation is another name for yeast.It is a yeast-free yeast, usually made from coarsely processed grains such as cornstarch, rye flour, or crushed wheat, which is soaked overnight in milk or water to activate the enzymes in the grains, release some of the sugars trapped in the starch, and soften the coarse...


American corn bread

Preparation: all raw materials are weighed.
Heating butter to liquid.
Scattered eggs.
Thaw the quick-frozen ...


Vienna biscuits

Butter dispatched
Added sugar powder
Launched smoothly
Add flour and corn flour
Stir smoothly
Use a ...


Baked almond cake

First the flour is sifted, then all the ingredients are mixed into a paste; because the dough is too thin, it is very di...


Finger cakes

Mix the egg yolk and sugar in ingredient A (3 eggs, 15 grams of fine sugar, a little vanilla flavoring) and stir until l...


Two-colored checkered biscuits

The sugar powder is added to the white oil and stirred evenly with a rubber scraper and then stirred evenly with a blend...


Corn on the cob

The butter and white sugar are mixed and stirred for about five minutes, and the egg yolk and vanilla oil are mixed even...


Margaret's walnut cookies

Cheese, condensed milk, egg yolk, ground walnuts mixed and finely ground
Add the flour, knead it into a dough, put i...
