The mini cake.



The beautiful marble cake

Marble cake is a kind of tradition, decorated with beautiful marble patterns, simple to make, suitable for afternoon tea dessert. ...


Grapefruit cake

I'm a foodie who's not afraid of getting tired or getting into trouble, and I especially like to do it myself, and the more I want to do it, the more I feel fulfilled.This is the first time I've made a cake with a small mold, because the oven at home is smaller, and the cake made with a small mold is better than the one made with a big mold.It tastes better baked.It's just that each time it's cooked, it's too small for a family to eat, and it has to be cooked several times, for a long time, to be shared with the ne...


The Black Forest

A blessing for the whole family
Let's start with a cocoa cake: egg yolk separation.
Egg whites with 10 grams of ...


The Black Forest cake

A year ago, I started practicing all kinds of chicken cakes, which can be said to be the basic work of the Black Forest, good chicken cakes are soft and elastic, like cotton, do not dry, chicken cakes are made, the cake is successful two-thirds, plus delicious chocolate animal cream, the taste of soft alcohol is not good to compare!...


Coffee cake

The egg yolk protein is separated and 10 grams of sugar is added to the egg yolk.
Add 20 grams of oil + 20 grams of ...


Small cake in the microwave for breakfast

Breakfast at home is not easy to eat, make a microwave small cake, look good, taste smooth ...


Tree stump cake

30 grams of chocolate, 100 grams of butter, 30 grams of cocoa powder, 15 grams of cocoa powder and 10 grams of sugar, al...


Low-fat hive cake

I'm a baker, and the most successful thing I've ever made is a hive cake, so I have to bake one for my guests.Everyone who has eaten it says it's good to eat, and the second problem is that there's too much oil! So after repeated verification, there's this low-oil version.The reduction in milk may make some people feel that it's not enough, so the amount of refined milk can be increased a little bit. ...


Old fashioned cake

Well, the old-fashioned cake, although the ingredients are extremely simple, but I think it's very fragrant, and the taste is very real.Well, I don't know how to express that feeling, but there's something about old-fashioned cake that makes me feel real. ...


It's the wind.

Remove 1/4 of the vanilla pods, remove the seeds and mix them in sesame oil.
Egg yolk and sugar mixed by hand


Coconut cake

60 grams of white sugar (40 grams of protein, 20 grams of egg yolk).
Separate the egg whites into two clean, waterle...
