Cocoa bread

The bread is made with cocoa powder and has a special aroma.But the amount of cocoa powder should not be excessive, otherwise the taste will be bitter and you will not be able to eat it. ...


Mocha coffee bread

Since I started making my own bread, I rarely go to a certain brand of bread.In the past, the bread that was eaten the most in her house was this bread, the price of 8 yuan, it's really not cheap!! Now it's estimated that it's more than 8 yuan, the bread that she makes herself, not only has no additives, but she also likes the filling, you can put a lot more, save you from eating addiction, those who play baking not only enjoy the whole process, especially seeing family and friends eat so satisfied, they will be ha...


Cocoa spiral bread

I like the shape of this spiral-shaped bread, I like the shape of this bread, I like the way it looks in my hand, and I like the bread with the sweet filling, especially my son likes it, I make the cassava sauce more lazy, the careful approach is to first mix the milk, the sugar, the egg yolk, then add the low flour and the cornstarch, the cocoa powder, then add the saltless butter when cooking, and finally cook it until it is thick.I don't like trouble, so a one-time stirring makes the powder and liquid stir evenl...


Cocoa cheese rolls

But the ideal energy and nutritional supplement, cocoa is the taste of love; cocoa cheese rolls, sweet, cheese-filled cocoa bread, eaten on Valentine's Day morning, noon and evening, ha......


Coconut wood bags

All dry materials except water and butter are placed in the flour pan and stirred evenly; add water and into a smooth do...


Bread from the baking machine, cocoa marble bread

Remove ingredients other than butter A put in the packing barrel, start the separate and dough procedure (my baker is me...


Chocolate and coconut milk

All dry materials except butter are mixed evenly and slowly poured into the milk and into a smooth dough.
After the ...


Chocolate raisin bread

Dried ingredients such as high-powder yeast, cocoa powder, yeast sugar, etc. are mixed evenly, with a little milk and fl...


Chocolate snacks

High-strength flour, cocoa powder, fine sugar, and yeast are mixed evenly, adding water and eggs to mix evenly.
The ...


Cocoa bread

I made it with a bread maker, so it's simple, but the proportion of the ingredients is important, and of course there's ...


Chocolate raisin bread

Soak the grapes in rum a day in advance, or at least two or more hours if there is not enough time.
After soaking, t...


Chocolate bread

Weigh the material well.
Eggs and water are mixed and dispersed.
The mixing knife is pre-prepared, and the egg j...
