Black forest flower naked cake

The first time he saw this flower cake, he was deeply attracted to it, thinking that if he had the chance, he would have to make one himself.The warm spring season is the best time to make this cake, so even the process of making it is very enjoyable, enjoying every step, enjoying the surprise step by step, and the beauty of the finished product, even looking at it is enchanting.The popular naked cake doesn't need a lot of deep floral technique, it's decorated with flowers, plus a lot of points, and it's satisfying...


Banana and cocoa cake

I've been enjoying oil-free cakes for a long time, and today I'm playing again.It is served with bananas and cocoa powder.With the addition of these two ingredients, this oil-free cake has a lot more flavor.If you like it, you can refer to it. ...


Chocolate sponge cake

This weekend, two consecutive breakfasts are chocolate sponge cakes! It's just that the shape is different, yesterday it was made with cream mango beans; today it's made with cream squeezed on top, decorated with the children's favorite cherries; with a cup of milk and a plate of fresh cherries, the children eat it....


What is the name of the city?

There are many different stories about the origin of tiramisu, but the warmest is that of an Italian soldier who was about to go to war, but had nothing at home, loved his wife in order to prepare dry food for him, and made all the biscuits and bread in the house into a cake, meant to take me away, and that cake was called tiramisu.Every time this soldier eats tiramisu on the battlefield, he remembers his home, his loved ones.The rich flavor of tiramisu combines the bitter taste of Italian coffee with the sweetness...


Chocolate cake with flavor

Sweet chocolate cake, thick chocolate flavor, thick thoughts.Vernon was away on business for a week when he made this cake......


Chocolate cake

After-dinner dessert...


The mini brownie cake

First, cut the walnuts slightly for backup.
(Do not cook)
Butter and dark chocolate are placed in a bowl, melted...


Little Bear paints a cake roll

Continue the journey of experiencing the once-flying high-end electronic oven, this time trying to make a cake.Thinking that my baby's wish was to eat my mom's cute birthday cake, I chose to make this cute little bear colored cake roll.This time the drawing is a bit wrong, the baby bear turned into the ugly bear daddy, but it still tastes good.The M-type heat-generating color is uniform, the control knob can display the temperature and time, the setting is the result, it can also be reserved, DIY custom baking mode...


The brownie cake.

A brownie is a dessert that originated in the United States in the 19th century, with a texture between cake and biscuit, and a thick, firm flavor.The charm of the brownie is also that it has a lot of dark chocolate and a lot of alcohol.In the United States, brownies are a regular guest at the average family dinner table, and people love them.There are three versions of Browne's birth.In one version, a cook accidentally spilled melted chocolate on a batch of cookies, which eventually turned into the current brownie...


What is the name of the city?

Tiramisu, when I first heard the name, I thought it was beautiful, even though I didn't know what it meant.After knowing its story, I felt that it was love, and I fell deeply in love with its taste, and there was no cure for the feeling I couldn't get rid of. ...


Cocoa butter cake

I didn't say anything, but I did it anyway....


Cake of wood

It is said that it is one of the two wonders of Portuguese food culture, and everyone who has eaten it knows that it is eaten at the entrance, and it is not very sweet, and if you want to eat the best taste, you have to eat it as soon as you get it out of the refrigerator, so as not to melt.Although the ingredients are meticulous, the recipe is extremely simple, and even a beginner baker can easily succeed....
