Biscuits with flavor

I like to make food, move my mind, give food a beautiful story, share it with my children, see if this little heart-shaped cookie, with a cute butterfly in it, is not beautiful, share food at the same time, share a strong love, warmth, share love, my heart flies, let love live forever, with a grateful heart, grateful life, understanding life......


Cocoa butter rolls

Let the eggs reveal their inner selves, the protein and the yolk say goodbye.
25 grams of sugar with protein
15 ...


Vanilla white chocolate mousse

I used to think that just because you're a muse, you have to be a Gaelic.After trying this square, I felt that the chocolate mousse could have been made without gillotine, and without gillotine the taste would have been lighter. ...


Chocolate cake from the Black Forest

It's like...


Cocoa and Mango Mousse

Mango is my favorite! Whether it's sweet or sour! It's not mango season.It can be said that you can have good mangoes for many years. ...


Chocolate paper cup cake

The butter is softened to room temperature, and the sugar is sent to a white state!!!
Add the whole egg yolk three t...


Swiss rolls of cream cheese

In the autumn, they started selling sugar and chestnuts on the streets, and they bought them back to make cakes that were delicious....


Pumpkin spiced almond cocoa cup cake - second-hand Starbucks

After watching it for two seasons, I couldn't help but search for the recipe for a paper cup cake, the recipe of the De Nunn sisters has always been reliable, this pumpkin spice paper cup cake is a limited-edition dessert from Starbucks in the United States, known as the second-to-last Starbucks, after my next change, it's still very yummy....


Chocolate Swiss roll

The protein is pounded, and when it is pounded, the sugar is added in stages, the other ingredients are mixed together w...


Chocolate paper cup cake

I've always loved the taste of cocoa, but I'm afraid of getting fat with butter, so today I'm going to try corn oil instead of butter....


Three colors of toast

My dad's favorite healthy toast, beautiful and delicious!...


Sweet classic chocolate cake

I had a chocolate cake at Starbucks at noon, and when I got home, I made it myself. I used an 8-inch cake mold, and you can adjust the size according to the amount you need to make....
