Toast with colored glasses

The post-oil method is rubbed to the full stage (large thin films can be pulled out, even if the edge of the hole is smo...


Panda bread is baked

Friends, you've always thought that the baking machine can only make toast or dough, right? Actually, you're wrong; I told you that the baking machine can do a lot of beautiful things....


Cranberry chocolate soft wrap

The recipe for this bread comes from the ancestors of love and freedom.A combination of cranberries, chocolate, and cocoa powder, complementing and intersecting various flavors.Since there is no toasted chocolate at home, I used ordinary chocolate.When eaten hot, chocolate also has the effect of popcorn! As the ancients said: "There is acidity, there is sweetness, and there is a slight bitterness and bitterness, it really tastes like love". Thank you for sharing love and freedom....


Four-colored tofu sandwich

The inspiration for this bread comes from the four-color toast bread that everyone makes, the bright colors are especially attractive, I wanted to make bacon cheese flower bread, but I don't like cold cheese, so I like soy sauce, the first time the flower bread was not good enough, I feel good this time. ...


Marble black wheat toast

Look closely, the two doughs, each using 550 grams of flour, make two to four marble black corn doughs, a really huge amount.When two or more pieces of dough are mixed into one piece, the most important thing is that their texture and expansion time must be basically the same.This ensures that each part has the same texture and the same baking time for each piece of dough.The author mixed the mixture and the two doughs separately, and said in the process summary that the mixing resulted in 10-15 minutes.I'm not sur...


A balance of nobility and elegance - a grape red wine chocolate soft European package

Taiwanese forestry master's selfless work...


Playing with Plant War Zombies and Potato Mine Bread

In essence, I'm a very simple person, it's good to be a person, it's good to do things, I can do things one step at a time, I never take two steps, which also reflects on the other hand how lazy I am, I can lie down I don't sit, I can sit I don't stand.So that's the principle of my cooking, how simple it is, how lazy it is.But how did I, the lazy one, come across the son of the super-seeker, the super-seeker, the super-seeker, the super-seeker, the super-seeker, the super-seeker, the super-seeker?No, the other day ...


Bakery version of cocoa bread

I'm sorry I don't have a map.
The ingredients other than butter are placed in a bread pan, stirred evenly with a cho...


Chess toast

The greatest pleasure of making bread is that the result is not entirely controllable.Despite all the preparations made at the beginning, the result is very likely to lead to deviations from the goal due to a few operational problems.This time, I'm still using Sister Liberty's square (750 grams small), the last time I did it was the way to twist the braid in the reference book, this time, I want to do it in a different way.By the way, I've seen cakes and biscuits made in the shape of a chessboard, but I've never se...


Coconut bread

Most people have always thought that the bread maker can only make bread with high starch flour, but today I want to introduce you to a bread that is made with high starch flour and low starch flour together, this bread is good from shape to content, because it adds cocoa and walnuts, so it is both sweet and slightly cocoa unique flavor, the texture is also soft, and the flavor of walnuts is sweet. ...


Two-tone bread

I used to hate making bread because it took too much time to make it, but now that I have a bread maker, I feel that making bread is a very simple thing, as long as you put the ingredients in the bread maker, it's done, it's really convenient and simple.This bread doesn't need milk, but it does need a lot of butter, if you open a box of butter at home and you don't run out of it, making this recipe to consume butter is a good choice, if you're not afraid of getting fat, you can still replace clean water with milk!...


Mushroom bread - cinnamon grape filling

The portion is just right for the six-line muffin. ...
