Chocolate cookies from the Handsome Star

Cut the butter into small pieces, soften at room temperature, then pour into the fine sugar and stir evenly, be sure to ...


Cocoa and heart cookies

Cocoa rolls are delicious, cute in shape, and perfect for giving to friends and family.After getting up in the morning, I started making cookies, and at noon I went to a friend's house and brought two cookies, which my friend loved. ...


The little girl's cookies

I love this super cute girl cookie, it takes more patience to make cute cookies, the cookies are so cute, the kids must love it, it's so cute...


Cocoa and almond cookies

When I wasn't baking, my favorite cookie was this one, and every time I went to the cake shop, I bought a can of it, and it came back, and the cake shop made one of them, and it was convenient to eat, but since I made it myself, I found out that the butter in the cake shop was vegetable butter, OMG......


Cocoa and yogurt waffles

This time it's a cocoa drop, and the difference from the original flavor is that the original 180 grams of pure milk is replaced by a combination of 130 grams of pure milk plus 50 grams of raw yogurt, which is soft after baking.The original taste is crispy and soft, with yogurt cocoa cake less than the crispy taste on the outside, more of some strands of toughness is very tasty, and without putting the fresh box on the outside it will not dry, I like the taste of the drop~~~~ with the filling of fresh cream, and th...


Piglet cartoon biscuit sticks - children like them cute and convenient

First of all, prepare the ingredients, the flour and the cocoa powder must be sifted.
Red sugar affects the weight a...


Handmade cookie boxes

I've been lazy to make a recipe, this time it's adapted to the tastes of a certain population, reducing the amount of butter used, friends who like dairy can use 60g of butter. ...


Cartoon cookies

For beginners, 120g of low-fat flour can make two flavors of biscuits!...


The monkey cookie.

It's a very interesting cookie, I make it in a low-sugar version, and if you like sweets, you can add 20 grams of sugar. ...


Colored Margaret cookies

The butter is thoroughly softened, the sugar powder is added and stirred evenly.
The egg yolk is sifted with a spoon...


Chocolate bars melt the heart of eating.

My sister bought a lot of baking supplies for her birthday and accidentally bought five packs of cocoa powder... this chocolate bar has no additives, the taste of ghee is wrapped in a dark chocolate flavor, it's easy to eat, children and adults love it....


This is a panda cookie.

Prepare the required ingredients (white dough + cocoa dough)
First, make the white dough: soften the butter, add the...
