Scented bread

All bread ingredients, except butter, are mixed in a bread machine and kneaded until slightly elastic, and butter is kne...


The caterpillar

I like the feeling of eating cream in my mouth, doing it for the first time, forgetting to understand....


Beef steak pack

I love to eat milk steak, but the bakery is a long way from my house.Since I had a baking machine, I bought the materials back and started making my own bread.Because the bread requires fermentation and takes a long time to make, it is usually only made when the whole weekend is spent at home.So, every time I cherish it, eat it slowly, share it with my family, never waste it, haha, no matter what, I'll eat a snack, I like to eat bread....


Coconut bread

Most people have always thought that the bread maker can only make bread with high starch flour, but today I want to introduce you to a bread that is made with high starch flour and low starch flour together, this bread is good from shape to content, because it adds cocoa and walnuts, so it is both sweet and slightly cocoa unique flavor, the texture is also soft, and the flavor of walnuts is sweet. ...


Pumpkin bread

Add water and eggs to the bread.
Add the powder, fine sugar and salt, and put the yeast in the middle.
Put the b...


Bread machine version of sweet toast

I've heard that the skin is thick and the taste is bad.I haven't tried it, I can't show it.If it's hard to eat, throw it away, it doesn't cost much anyway.After adding the ingredients, I went out to shop, played for hours, came home, the house was full of bread, and in 10 minutes, the bread was done, hip hip!...


Bread and butter

The yeast is dissolved in water and left to stand for 5 minutes.
High-fiber flour and low-fiber flour are mixed and ...


Red bean sandwiches

Preparation of food.
The bread material other than the butter is put into the bread machine, stirred with a dough pr...


The Golden Horn of Milk

When I used to make pasta at home, I hardly used bubble powder, because bubble powder usually contains heavy metal aluminum, and then I bought a bag of aluminum-free bubble powder, which I still rarely use.However, this bread is made with flour, and the fermentation time is short, so I had to add a gram of flour to it.But the magic of blowing powder really surprised me, I used only ordinary powder, and the two fermentations took only an hour to add up, and the finished product was big and soft, and it was very tigh...


No bread

Pour the above-mentioned amount of salt and sugar into clean water, then put the yeast in clean water, let it stand for ...


Whole wheat black sugar cranberry bread

Materials for preparing bread.
Mix the whole wheat flour, high starch salt and yeast first, mix evenly, red sugar if...


Old fashioned bread

The first ingredient, the main ingredient, is mixed and stirred evenly.
Keep it warm and ferment it.
Bread dough...
