Chocolate and coconut meat cookies

A few days ago, I bought some coconuts online, drank coconut juice, and threw away the rest of the coconut meat. It's a pity, look at the food made online with coconut meat, it's all stewed and so on, look at the biscuits are also raw, cocoa, cranberry, tea.I didn't find a cookie made with fruit, and with the idea of trying it out, I made this cookie made with coconut meat, added a small amount of chocolate and refined milk, the flavor of the coconut was more intense, the coconut in the cookie was baked at high tem...


Dora shaped biscuits

The butter is removed in advance, softened by defrosting, colored with an egg beater, and added to the powdered egg juic...


Happy Squirrel Cookies through Childhood

It's a little strange, lately there's been a little bit of mysterious loss in my heart, why don't I bother? In the impression, beautiful women, always have a little bit of sadness, don't fall into the mold, like fairies... and I, but I've been soaking in flour all day, thinking about all kinds of baking things, it seems that there's a woman who doesn't have a heart, no lungs, no emotions....


Happy squirrel biscuits through childhood - the Shan family

After softening the raw dough with 1 tablespoon of butter, add the sugar powder to stir evenly, then add the light cream...


The cherry blossom is a small cookie.

After softening, the butter is placed in a bowl and stirred with a scraper;
Add the sugar powder and mix it with a k...


Double flavoured chocolate chip cookies

After softening, the butter is placed in a bowl and stirred with a scraper;
Add powdered sugar and stir evenly in on...


Chocolate and nut cakes

After softening, the butter is placed in a bowl and stirred with a scraper;
2 Add sugar powder and stir evenly in on...


Chocolate cookies from the Handsome Star

Cut the butter into small pieces, soften at room temperature, then pour into the fine sugar and stir evenly, be sure to ...


Nutritious oatmeal pancakes

All raw materials
70 grams of butter cut into small pieces for greenhouse softening.
After softening the butter,...


Chocolate coffee bean cookies

It has a dull appearance and a strong taste. Afternoon tea can't be missed....


Soft cream cookies

The ingredients are ready, the sugar powder is crushed sugar.
Cut the butter into small pieces to soften at room tem...


The panda cookie

This panda cookie was given to my niece, and it took me a long time to find this mold.I was going to use this mold to make a sugar cake, but today I came with a biscuit, which is also good, to please the children, the key is to make your own biscuits, not only good to eat, but more importantly without additives, dyes, spices, etc.When I gave it to my niece, she said, "Auntie, did you really make this?"In fact, the child is easily satisfied, he moves a little carefully or makes a little flower-like thing for her, an...
