Oreos and cookies

First, cut the Oreo biscuits into small pieces and prepare them; mix the butter and the sugar powder until they are thin...


Tasty biscuits made from the leaves of the yew tree

First, put the recipe A in the container and start stirring.
In step 1, add formula B and mix evenly.
Re-add for...


Chocolate eggshell cookies

First, mix the unsalted cream and sugar powder.
Gradually add B to the mixture.
C is then separately sifted and ...


Puppy bear cookies

The butter is mixed with the sponge sugar and salt and stirred evenly.
Add the eggs to stir evenly.
The sieved l...


Chocolate milk cake

First, mix A and beat it to the microwave.
Add B to the mixture again.
C is then added to the mixture after sepa...


Chocolate cookies

It's nice to be at home, make cookies with the kids, finish painting with chocolate, it's fun, the kids are happy, they don't mind eating!!! It's nice to be used to greet guests!...


Large white biscuits - square self-service

Again, the bottom of this cake is bitter, but I can't guarantee how bitter the different brands of cocoa powder are.


The only white lover for White Valentine's Day

White Valentine's Day, are you all having a good time? White Valentine's Day couples should come and be white lovers!White Lover is a delicious cry chocolate biscuit, one of the highlights of Hokkaido, Japan, produced in Sapporo.It's probably because it's often sent back to the country as a handwritten letter.It's also been divided into one or two pieces, so it's really memorable, and it's especially delicious.It's not perfect, but it's the only one, the only white lover, for White Valentine's Day!...


Beware of the Squirrel Legion - Squirrel Almond Cookies

After softening, the butter is dispersed and the sugar powder is added and stirred evenly;
The eggs are dispersed an...


It's a lot of fun, chocolate cookies.

My son likes to eat, so do it....


Dragon cat cookies

Butter 8 grams 0 grams sugar powder 50 grams eggs 25 grams low starch flour 145 grams cocoa powder adequate amount of dark chocolate adequate amount of chocolate...


Long slices of almond cake

In this fucking age, it's easy to be a mother!The little biscuits are suitable for the little bunny, who spends half a day, turns to the square of the bear valley, looking simple.After the test, it's crispy and beautiful. ...
