Oatmeal and chocolate nuts

Based on Uncle Paul's sandwich and my favorite chocolate nut cake, I've summarized the idea of making bread before and improved this recipe and practice!...


Cotton toast

Part one, preparing the food.
Put the chocolate sauce on the toast the way you like it.
I put four in the cotton...


Chocolate bread

The addition of bacon butter makes the whole bread taste better....


The sandwich of the rabbit

The ingredients other than butter are put together, mixed until the surface is smooth, then the butter is added, mixed u...


Farmer's chocolate and cassava bread

Farmer's chocolate walnut bread, which is based on farmer's bread with chocolate and walnuts added.The basic dough is the same, the accessories are mainly to increase the flavor, the combination of cashews and sweet and bitter chocolate is a combination of crispy fragrance and thick bitter and sweet, eating a slightly thick taste.If you want it to taste better and smoother, add a little cream when you eat it, but it's hot...Usually when I eat, I add a little bit of cheese, it's a little bit lower in calories, it ta...


Cranberry chocolate soft wrap

The recipe for this bread comes from the ancestors of love and freedom.A combination of cranberries, chocolate, and cocoa powder, complementing and intersecting various flavors.Since there is no toasted chocolate at home, I used ordinary chocolate.When eaten hot, chocolate also has the effect of popcorn! As the ancients said: "There is acidity, there is sweetness, and there is a slight bitterness and bitterness, it really tastes like love". Thank you for sharing love and freedom....


Corn on the cob

The dough is kneaded to the expansion stage and fermented to twice its size.
Remove the exhaust and let ferment for ...


The bear squeezes the bread.

It's been a long time since I've had a loaf of bread, but today I've finally got it! I've got a loaf of bread, I've got a loaf of bread, I've got a loaf of bread, I've got a loaf of bread!...


The bear is packing.

At first, when I saw the little bear squeezing the bag, I was heartbroken, that feeling of being harmless to humans and animals, I hated to go to the bar right away, I didn't even dare to eat, I punched a few soft balls back, I instantly fell into the state of a cute baby who couldn't help himself, as if he was a few years younger.It's also a very well-made bread, you can roll the dough in a circle and bake it directly, after the oven, just draw your eyes, nose and mouth, a row of little bears is finished, you don'...


The little lion squeezes the bread

Look, a big wave of germs came, and I couldn't bear to eat it. ...


Bread with a baking machine

Eggs and milk should be fresh from the fridge.You can add a little more milk powder. ...


Playing with Plant War Zombies and Potato Mine Bread

In essence, I'm a very simple person, it's good to be a person, it's good to do things, I can do things one step at a time, I never take two steps, which also reflects on the other hand how lazy I am, I can lie down I don't sit, I can sit I don't stand.So that's the principle of my cooking, how simple it is, how lazy it is.But how did I, the lazy one, come across the son of the super-seeker, the super-seeker, the super-seeker, the super-seeker, the super-seeker, the super-seeker, the super-seeker?No, the other day ...
