Chocolate, sugar, and a dream cookie.

Someone who loves Doraemon, just in time for Christmas to make a special cookie for someone, came up with this plastic chocolate decoration of yours, combined with a pattern drawing of his own design, using various non-professional tools to make this cookie. ...


Fruit and cream crackers

Mix the prepared flour, wheat flour, baking powder, pulp, and beans and stir evenly.
Soften into a liquid butter, su...


Sugar cream and gingerbread

The candy house at Christmas...


Chocolate coffee and almond cookies

The first time I uploaded the recipe, I was still very shy. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah....


Warm-hearted cookie - Kitty the cat

Preparation of materials
The butter is first softened, then the color is lightened with an egg beater (30 seconds), ...


Cute chocolate decorated biscuits are a great holiday gift

I love baking, I love painting, biscuits are the easiest to make, two tools in hand you can also make super delicious biscuits oh! the tools are molds and chocolate!...


Butter cookies with crispy cocoa

In the winter, she wanted to make something high in calories, so she packed them up and gave them to her sisters....


Chocolate bean cookies

A cookie that children love to eat...


M and M chocolate bean biscuits

The author of this cookie is Mini Mango. ...


It's like a chocolate cookie.

I've always liked to eat a lot of things, and one day I saw the recipe for chicken, so I made one of my own, with a little bit of modification....


Peanut and orange chocolate cake - a lot of fun

The orange peel that was originally made from the orange cake rolls was added to the biscuits, and I was nervous that I wouldn't be able to eat it.I didn't expect it to taste so good after it was made, and the faint orange scent added a little freshness to the cookie.Crushed peanuts: Put the raw peanuts in the oven at 160 degrees for seven or eight minutes, remove the red skin, and crush them slightly in the cooking machine....


Oatmeal and banana cakes

Get the materials ready!
All the ingredients are mixed to a dry state... (banana to peel, red peeled peanut rice is ...
