Steamed cake

Fortunately, I was able to try out the Panasonic NU-JK100W steam oven, a small appliance that combines an oven, an air fryer, a microwave, a yogurt machine, a disinfectant and a steamer! ** Steamed cakes really don't catch fire, children can spell the advertising words! I've been wanting to try it, so I tried its steam function all night long!...


Tea cherry flower heart-shaped cake

In the summer, make some matcha cake, which is both visually and tastefully smaller and fresher, not too sweet.Will some of your friends have this problem, that the baked matcha cake is not beautiful enough, not green enough? Today I'm going to teach you a very simple trick to solve the problem of not being green.Try again and again! The bottom of the cake doesn't have any tricks, so the color of the bottom is a little yellowish, and the color of the top is beautiful! Newly bought heart-shaped mold, super useful, u...


Cherry paper cup cake

Beautiful cherry blossom paper cup cake, full of colors and scents.The recipe comes from Guiyang Yu Yu Baking. ...


The cherry blossom cake

The cherry blossom is a symbol of love and hope, representing graceful, simple, pure love.Although the cherry blossoms are not as beautiful as the peonies of the national color, the cherry blossoms also have the beauty of the national color, there is such a touching beauty, an unforgettable beauty.I've always loved the bright pink dreams of the cherry blossoms, the magnificence that fades after a brief period of splendor.Today's cherry blossom mousse cake is not just delicious on the tip of the tongue, it's more vi...


The cherry blossom

A few days ago I made salted cherry blossoms, a lot of people asked what salted cherry blossoms can do, well, of course it's a little bit of heart-shaped delicacies....


Tender Japanese salt bread from a fictional country

Hideyoshi, one of my favorite Japanese directors, is an interesting man, with a little bit of childishness and humor, but also a little bit of gangster anger and toughness.The important thing is that he's a man with a lot of stories.Story one: He said that before he became famous, he wanted to have money one day, so he had to drive a sports car, eat at fancy restaurants, and sleep with women.He found out that driving a Porsche didn't feel so good because he couldn't see what it looked like to drive a Porsche.So he ...


Cherry cream is crispy.

The first time I saw cherry cream crisp, I thought it was amazing.A dessert made with cherry blossoms, not only elegant and charming, but also accompanied by a faint floral aroma, always seems to have a different taste when eaten. ...


Cherry flower biscuits

Keep trying my new baby, this spring, the first thing that comes to mind is flowers!...


Cherry blossom cookies

Cherry blossoms are always a reminder of romance, beauty, and everyone's desire for happiness.The cherry blossom is warm, pure, noble, it is a symbol of love and hope.Cherry blossoms are a symbol of beauty, beauty and romance in the eyes of many people.The flowering period of cherry blossoms is usually only 3 to 7 days, because cherry blossoms choose to wither when they are at their most brilliant.This is the spirit of the cherry blossom.You can be happy after eating a cherry blossom cookie. ...


The cherry blossoms are crisp.

It's so romantic. This life is for you....


Cherry flower biscuits

Keep trying new things, baby, this spring, of course do something with flowers in the baking!...


Lovingly salted cherry blossom cookies

