Cheese and onion bread

It's from the kitchen downstairs, and I've changed a little bit. ...


Onion and cheese bread

Nowadays, bakeries are full of streets and alleys, and wanting to eat a loaf of bread is as easy as pouring white water with your hands.But when I was a kid, it wasn't that easy to eat bread.When I was younger, my hometown didn't have bread, some only paid eight cents for a barbecue.In the back of the bicycle, a small box, wrapped tightly in cotton cloths and plastic cloths, shouted down the street, "Barbecue".It's actually the same size as a barbecue, but it's full of sesame seeds.Sometimes, for the sake of distin...


Grey cheese and egg toast

A square slice of toast
An egg and a slice of cheese after the tin foil.
I used the one on the top of the toast,...


Onion and ham bags

Use of bread
Except for butter, the ingredients are placed in a bowl in the order of liquid, then powder, then yeast...


Ham salad and cheese bread

Prepare all the necessary materials and give the exact weight in ACA abbreviation...
Put all the ingredients you nee...


Sarmasuri cheese and onion bread

In the bread barrel: 1 milk 2 eggs 3 salt 4 high flour 5 dig a hole put the yeast, and process the dough for 20 minutes,...


Blue cheese bread

Bread flour 250 grams, eggs and water 160 grams, butter 30 grams, sugar 20 grams, salt 5 grams, yeast 3 grams.


Rosemary cheese pack

There's better cream cheese in the fridge at home, so I'm going to learn how to make rosemary cheese bags, which are really good to eat. ...


Simple cheese bread

In a hurry or a lazy morning, it's absolutely OK to make this breakfast, it only takes five minutes....


Cheese and onions

Hokkaido tofu dough with cheese and onions is delicious....


A bag of blueberry cheese

All materials, except vegetable oils and surface decorative materials, are placed in a large bowl and stirred with a cho...


Aniseed bread

In addition to the salt of the butter, all the other ingredients are placed in the cook's barrel, the second stirring is...
