Corn on the cob pancakes

Materials: cornstarch flour
Eggs and parsley
Vegetable oil
Remove the leaves from the leaves to wash the roo...


Pancakes with hearty black rice noodles

Materials: egg yolk packed with cabbage (cleaned) and black rice noodles
Put the washed cabbage on a plate and cut i...


Pork and beans

It is said that it is better to eat chickpeas than chickpeas, the northerners love chickpeas, and many southerners also like chickpeas.For example, my husband, although he is from the South, but he likes to eat noodles, he prefers to eat pork chops, this type of pork chops he likes to eat, so my house is packed with pork chops, not pork chops, or pork chops filled with eggs, it's delicious, classic pork chops, do your friends like to eat?...


Authentic Shaanxi mountain noodles

What is your family's rice? Chicken, duck, fish, and beef? For the people of Shaanxi, rice is rice.Of these, only one bowl of noodles is the most anticipated, and the importance of noodles in the hearts of the people of Shaanxi is no less than that of noodles.Every year, the people of Shaanxi come to the south to kill pigs, to fish, to cook fish, so as a native of Shaanxi, if you don't pack a big pot of noodles, it's too much to say.The people of Shaanxi call the manufacture of chopsticks chopsticks.Since dumplings...


This is the first time I've been able to do this.

The butter is softened at room temperature, scraped into the vanilla seeds, then added to the white sugar, and stirred i...


Bread turns into hot dogs

Let's have a rich breakfast....


Carrots and carrots

Today's last dish is especially suitable for this changing season.Carrots have many benefits such as improving the liver, broadening the intestine, strengthening the spleen, reducing sugar, reducing lipids, and enhancing immune function. Carrots also have the function of increasing the body's immunity against cancer and indirectly killing cancer cells.Because carotenoids are fat-soluble, they are only well absorbed in fats.Therefore, it is best to eat carrots cooked in oil or cooked with meat to ensure that the act...


Homemade spicy cabbage

I learned how to make spicy cabbage for the first time, and it felt good, so I came up and shared it with my friends.Homemade spicy cabbage is not necessarily the best, but the taste is definitely the best for your home....


Meatballs and mushrooms

Cut the beef into thin slices, or go to a frozen meat store and buy ready-made slices to save money.
Wash the golden...


The Rainbow Salad

First of all, it is made of red cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, broccoli and rainbow color in the heart.Red cabbage is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich food.It's another antioxidant-rich food that also boosts detoxification.Carrots are known antioxidants and beta-carotene.Finally, broccoli, which is well known for relieving stress, detoxifying the body! My addition of romaine makes this more of a salad, and also because it is very low in calories and has a very high water content to help replenish the body ...


The Waldorf salad

Waldorf salad is a very classic American salad.Today we're going to do an improved version.There are vegetables, fruits, nuts, and delicious sauces.It is rich in nutrients, has a layered taste, and is very simple to operate....


Rosong Tong

The first vegetable shop in Shanghai was opened by a Russian.This soup is an evolution of the Russian cabbage soup, which is spicy and acidic, so the people of Shanghai are not used to it.Later, under the influence of the raw materials and local tastes, it was gradually formed into a unique Haïtian characteristic of sour, sweet, sweet, flavorful, fat, fresh, smooth-tasting Rosong soup.My classmates love rosemary soup, they don't usually like to eat vegetables, but rosemary soup is a bit unambiguous, full of a big b...
