Caterpillar bread

Put in the bread machine: white sugar, milk, water, whole egg juice, sift into high-strength flour, dig a small hole in ...


Hamburgers and New Orleans roast chicken legs

I used to love hamburgers when I was a kid, but I've rarely eaten them since I started losing weight, because fast food hamburgers are really high in calories, but I haven't eaten them for a long time, and sometimes I miss the taste, so I make them myself....


Cranberry cookies and cookies

Butter roll slices, softened at room temperature.
The softened butter, as long as you can easily rub a small hole in...


Frozen cheese

It's the season of mangoes again, and the little cook is an obsessive purple patient, and mangoes are such a healthy and timely fruit... you can't miss them.It's already a great season for selling sandwiches... and it's cheap... Don't miss, every time I buy a few kilos, in addition to mixing yogurt to eat when the fruit is cooked, I wash some of it and then I put it in the freezer, and when I make dessert, I take it out. It's like raspberry blueberries. ...
