Small bread with soy sauce

I made all the meatballs and beans myself.I didn't take pictures when I made it, you can see other recipes, it's very easy to make your own soy sauce, I'll briefly explain the steps at the end.The soup is also very simple, I don't remember taking a picture this time, it's easy to make it by looking at other recipes.Simply add 20 grams of high-quality flour, 100 grams of water, and a non-particulate dough, then put on a dry fire and heat until the pattern appears....


Bacon and cornbread

All the ingredients except the butter are mixed in the cooking machine and then the dough is torn into small pieces and ...


Cranberry yogurt and whole wheat bread

I don't know if it's really that effective, but I've never tried it, but I make bread with yogurt and whole wheat flour, I do it often, of course not to lose weight, but I like yogurt, I often make yogurt at home, sometimes I can't finish it, I use it to make bread or cake, and the yogurt bread is softer and softer. ...


Yoghurt and honey tearing bread

I made a lot of yogurt in the morning, and it was used to make bread, without oil and sugar, and I didn't expect it to be particularly successful!...


Sugar-free whole wheat toast

My husband is diabetic, so I thought I'd make him a toast.This is a direct recipe, but the finished product is soft, the rice is good, and the whole wheat is more nutritious!...


Lemon and cheese pack

Lemon cheese bags with strong lemon and cheese flavor, fragrant and sweet bread, one for afternoon tea, another with a cup of lemon tea, come to God!...


A gallon of bread

This bread is made from the Chinese method, the finished product is flexible and soft, with black gallons of sweetness, and with healthy flour - this flour is really healthy and good to eat. ...


A small meal of cranberries

The sour, sweet, and sour cranberries in the bread are delicious.Today I made this classic delicious little bread, with a special emphasis on cranberries.It's almost over!...


Cow horn bread

It's nice to make a few cow horns and eat them for breakfast the next day. ...


Super soft soft cream toast

The amount of light cream used in this toast is very large, and the amount of materials used is also constantly adjusted during the production process to be finally established.Due to the extreme thickness of the cream used, the total amount of cream and egg juice has exceeded 70% of the amount of flour when calculated according to the ratio of flour and liquid.But the dough is extremely moisturizing and stretching.The finished toast is also very fragrant and soft enough to be rolled in circles.Because of the high ...


Whole wheat flour toast

Today's whole wheat and fruit toast, without a drop of oil, with a little bit of wheat germ, is also in line with the current trend of nutrition and health.A few easy steps, plus a patient wait, and in less than four hours, you can enjoy a nutritious, healthy and delicious European toast. ...


One-key egg bread

The recipe uses love and freedom, and can also be made with 450 grams of toast, and the taste of the package is really good, try it and you'll know. ...
