Saving over-fermented dough

I used a pound cake mold, a small cake mold, a small inside roll of my own peanut butter.
After mixing, ferment dire...


Whole wheat sticks + buckwheat jam + fried bacon

Today I made this energy-packed golden breakfast package, a combination of whole-wheat noodles, butter, jam, bacon, milk, corn, and fruit porridge, which I had made the day before, and the next morning I woke up and had it ready.Speaking of sticks, even though it doesn't appeal to most people's eyes and taste buds, I just love the simplicity of it.Not only is it healthy and delicious, but it's also addictive, so you might want to try it for breakfast. ...


Chocolate bread

Prepared materials are overpriced.
Heat the dark chocolate in the baking ingredient with butter and stir evenly.


Forkacha bread

It originated in Italy and is eaten like a pizza, usually sprinkled with various herbs and olive oil. It is best eaten hot, but it can also be stored in a sealed container and heated while it is still delicious....


The practice of making cranberry bread

It's as soft as the finished product, and in the middle you can also eat the white-scented coconut, go home to school and give it to your son, get high praise from your son, say it's very good to eat!...


Cabbage bread

The fermentation time has changed slightly, please refer to the collection. ...


Caterpillar bread with arbitrary patterns

From childhood, girls love to eat this caterpillar bread, it's filled with fresh cream, you can eat it all at once! You can make it yourself, you can be more stubborn, you can squeeze the patterns on the back of the caterpillar, you can squeeze whatever you like, you can't think of it, you can't do it!...


Yellow-faced bear bread with coconut milk

When I made the snail bread, I made the milkshake, and I haven't had the milkshake in a long time, and the kids love it.So, I used buttermilk to make this bread.But I've reduced the use of cornstarch and replaced it with coconut oil.It's filled with coconut milk.This small gesture was greatly appreciated by the family, who all love to eat coconut, the family loves this filling, the thick milk and butter flavor is added to the coconut flavor, and it is not greasy.Looks like you'll have to do a little more later.The ...


Blueberry pudding packaged

Stir the yeast with a small amount of warm water until completely dissolved
Milk added to butter, heated until the b...


Hot dog bread

The name "hot dog" sounds very strange, doesn't it? It's a literal translation of the English word "hot dog", which means that a sausage is placed in a sliced, long, small loaf of bread, and it's roasted before it's eaten. It's the most common food in the United States. ...


Mashed potato bacon, sausage and celery bread

I've never tasted anything that wasn't delicious, and it's definitely better than the bakery. ...


Cinnamon apple bread

If a friend comes to visit with green apples, make a loaf of bread....
