Healthy version of cheese and mango mousse

Weigh all kinds of materials well.
Making a whole egg sponge cake.
When the whole egg is released and the egg ma...


Egg and tomato salad

Wash the onion heads, green peppers, red peppers, and celery leaves, cut them into small pieces, put them in cold boilin...


DIY lemon weight loss and beauty juice



This is a lamb pizza.

The first step is to knead the dough: the flour is mixed with salt and butter, the yeast is poured into the water, stirr...


It's cool. It's cool.

Summer heat, what's the most welcomed by everyone, don't even think about it, such a hot day, cool things are the most welcomed, hot straight smoking hot, air-conditioned room, hate to even drink water is ice, seeing hot things don't want to eat, right, today, send you a cold silk fruit cold side, plus fragrant peanut butter, cool watermelon, how? See if you're interested in trying?...


The pineapple ham pizza

Place in the oven, heat up and down, medium, 200 to 230 degrees, about 15 minutes
Finally, add a layer of cheese, a ...
