Blueberry cake rolls

In my old home in the countryside, there was a big meadow in the village, where the children of the village used to play together, and no matter whose family the adult was, he would take care of all the children.I remember when I was a child, playing with my friends, we always talked about hiding cats, throwing sandbags, woodmen, eagles catching chickens... and then we went to school, and our common language gradually became a few hours of school, a few hours of school, a few hours of exams, a few hours of vacation...


Small cakes with cocoa butter

Recently there has been no resistance to chocolate.There's a lot of jelly in the house, so let's make some jelly and cocoa cake today. ...


Cherry blossom frozen cheese cake

The cherry blossoms are homemade, and last night's rainstorm interrupted a lot, so it's a pity, so try making a cherry blossom frozen cheese cake.What I'm doing is 6 inches. ...


Blueberry mousse cake

The mouth of the muse is soft, the entrance is improvised, it's like love, sweet romance.I'm very fond of mousse cake, not only because it tastes good, but also because the name is particularly romantic.I think that's why it touched a lot of people!...


Sweet blueberry rolls

The blueberry sauce that we've been making for a long time finally came in handy today, the hot weather hasn't started making bread, and no one is interested in these dried pastries! Today we've cooled down here, it's a little cooler, we went straight to the kitchen to make bread, the milk powder ran out, so we added a lot of light cream, so the bread is very soft!...


Blueberry bread

Spring, when everything is recovering, is the best season for conditioning the body.According to the principles of Chinese medicine, the spring replacement of the five kidneys should be preceded by the liver.In Chinese medicine, the liver includes the liver and the neuroendocrine system, the eyes, etc.In addition to making some appropriate adjustments in diet and lifestyle, the most important adjustment is emotional.Therefore, in order to protect our liver, we women must be in a better mood.When you're in a good mo...


Three-tone flour bread

I saw that someone's three-color toast was attractive, so I looked at the recipe and made a slight modification to make this three-color bread with fruit powder.The original bread made from coconut milk is very tasty, with light cream to make the bread, you don't need to add butter, the square is really good, collect, as a basic recipe.On Sunday mornings, I put the ingredients in the bread maker to ferment the dough, and then I went to the supermarket to buy the dishes.As a result, I came home more than an hour lat...


Blueberry bread

Bread is one of the top choices for breakfast, love its softness, love the feeling of eating bread dough, put some blueberry jam on it, love its sweetness, love it and take it away...


Blueberry bread

Today I'm going to talk about blueberry sauce and bread for breakfast, which is a great choice with milk, and I hope you like it....


Blueberry soft pack

Eggs, high flour, yeast, light cream are mixed together in a wrapping machine, according to the thickness of the increas...


Jelly flower bread

I was lucky enough to get a trial of Siberian buckwheat, in addition to wheat and buckwheat flour, one of which is buckwheat buckwheat.It contains more than 95% water-soluble fiber, which is an essential nutrient for the human body, contains B vitamins, performs many functions in the body, and is an indispensable nutrient in normal food metabolism.It grows in cold regions with low yields, which also creates favorable conditions for it to be protected from diseases and pests. It sows a seed in the spring, without wa...


A thousand layers of blueberries

It's very simple....
