Black sesame whole wheat bread

I love the sweet taste of whole wheat, the rawest is the best!...


Mashable bread

I like the soft taste of cassava bread, it's very good to eat, it's easy to make, I get up early, it takes an hour to eat hot, crisp, soft cassava bread, it's quite a compliment!...


Corn on the cob

The dough is kneaded to the expansion stage and fermented to twice its size.
Remove the exhaust and let ferment for ...


Embroidered bread

The baking, the tempting color and smell have given me a sense of accomplishment, plus the praise of the two gourmets, which is what keeps me going....


Cabbage bread

Love yourself, love life, start with love of food.Finally, he succeeded in making a low-fat, low-sugar coconut bread, referring to a large number of recipes, making several adjustments to the ratio of butter, milk, and fine sugar, and adding black sesame as a garnish.As soon as the bread comes out of the oven, it smells, it tastes, it smells, it's great. ...


Black sesame leaf bread

All materials except butter are placed in the wrapping machine and a stirring procedure is selected for 20 minutes;


Red bean sandwiches

I bought sugar beans in the supermarket, they're really sweet, I bought red beans, they're delicate, they're hard to swallow, and I finally decided to make my own beans, my own bread.In accordance with the consistent principle of low oil, low sugar, it is a good idea to balance the various ingredients in a way that ensures both health and taste....


Peanut butter bread

Homemade peanut butter, fragrant and thick.Sometimes it's served on toast, sometimes it's served on steamed rolls, it's really nutritious and delicious!On the first day of making the cake, there was some leftover sweetened cream.You can't waste your life, you put it all in there.The amount is small, but very dense, so it can be counted as the amount of egg juice, and the fat content of the cream is not low, so the butter in the dough is only 12 grams. ...


Pumpkin caterpillar bread

The zinc content in pumpkins is very high, it is an essential element for the growth and development of children, so children should eat more pumpkins.Bread with pumpkin paste, golden yellow color, sweet and soft in taste.It is a healthy bread that is very suitable for children to eat. ...


Black sesame bread

Every time someone asks me why I only use the bread maker to knead the dough and not to bake it, I say without hesitation that the bread maker is not good to eat.But I can't help but be discouraged when I say that.Because, for the bread machine not to bake good bread, I just heard about it.I didn't even try it myself, so I denied the baking function of the baking machine.But since it exists, it's reasonable.Even as a chicken rib, we have to chew it while we're enjoying it.So, today's bread is baked directly in the ...


Butter and cheese bread

This little bread was made twice in a row, Mr. P liked to eat it, two bites at a time, the comment was one word, smell! Very soft flavor, combined with the strong smell of cheese and butter, every time it was not out of the oven, it was already craving the scratching of the ears, the room was full of tempting smell, Mr. P said, it was the smell of passing by the bakery as a child.Sesame can't be ignored, a few sesame seeds, can eliminate the sweetness of the cheese, a few more drops of the usual aroma inside, betwe...


Red and black sesame bread

I've always liked to use one person to describe the bread I make.I think this is the only way to give everyone a full imagination of what this kind of bread looks like.I've been thinking about this bread for a long time today, and I don't think it's delicate enough, it's not tender enough, it's not tall enough, and I even doubt if it's bread or cake!Because the potatoes are so good to eat!...
