Purple flowers

Spring is in full bloom, and the warm spring wind is coming.Let's prepare a spring breakfast for the family too!...


The Crown Bread

Square refers to Rainy Night Nina, slightly changed, thank you for sharing. ...


Purple flowers

Put all the ingredients in the bag, except for the butter, the dough and the dough.
After 20 minutes, add butter and...


Black sesame seed sandwiches

First add the liquid, then add the solid, then add the yeast, then add the ingredients such as flour, sugar, etc. In the...


Embryo hot dog bread

Wheat germ is extracted from high-quality wheat grain and is a high-protein, high-vitamin E, low-calorie, low-fat, low-cholesterol nutrient that contains a variety of vitamins and minerals that are easily absorbed by the human body.The nutritional value of the embryo is as precious as gold and is the best food to balance the nutritional imbalance of modern man. ...


Black sesame seeds

In the spring, as the weather warms up and fermentation becomes easier, this season is the best time to make bread.Now, it's becoming more and more popular to make bread with a one-button bread maker, all the ingredients are ready, give it to the bread maker, the dry housework does the housework, the rest rests, whenever you hear the bread maker chirping, take out the bread and everything is ok!I'd like to share with you a useful recipe: black sesame powdered tofu.A lot of people have made black sesame toast, with ...


Purple potato and black sesame toast

The purple potatoes are washed, cut, and steamed.
Take the skin and put it in a cooking cup and pour it into 250 ml ...


Black sesame seed bread

The moment I poured the bread, I suddenly realized that I had a lot of time on my hands.That's the beauty of the bread machine, serving the dough, and then, all of a sudden, you have plenty of time.However, the exchange condition is that you can't choose the shape of the bread, it will always look like a square head.And that's the advantage of the oven.It's long, it's short, it's all there.Black sesame seed bread, the recipe simply says five seeds, so you can mix it yourself.The chopped, large-grained berries may l...


Smoked bread

Smoked bread, a very loving breakfast.Small, round, bumpy, that's what I like about this style! Freshly baked small bread, golden butter bright skin, tempting cream smell, teaches people to lick three feet.What are you waiting for? Immediately start, three or two mouths will eliminate one, another will come, very soon.The point of the day is in the morning, breakfast is to eat well, to eat well. ...


The black sesame mini-stick

You don't need to knead the dough, you can make the dough by folding it in a stationary way, there are no special instructions, you can do it step by step, you can make 30 cm of dough, you can make two pieces of dough, it's the usual flour we use, the protein content is around 11%. ...


Black sesame seeds

In the absence of an oven, it is entirely possible to use a baking machine to make the same delicious toast, with the addition of plain flour in the high flour, with the same effect. ...


Mashable bread

I like the soft taste of cassava bread, it's very good to eat, it's easy to make, I get up early, it takes an hour to eat hot, crisp, soft cassava bread, it's quite a compliment!...
