Turtle bags

Ms. Zhang Qing, the editor-in-chief of Wuhan Magazine, who participated in the last reader's salon event at the city library, shared her experience of tourism and cuisine with everyone, saying that it was really envious, but I, don't say a trip that goes away, it's impossible to even say once that goes away! ...


Chinese bean sandwiches

I like to make bread using the Chinese method, the internal organization of the relatively direct bread is more delicate and fluffy, and it is still soft after two days of storage, this square is seen in the meditation lotus, I reduced the sugar oil content slightly.It's stuffed with soy sauce, and the kids love it!...


Black sesame seeds

Black sesame, which contains a lot of fat and protein, as well as nutrients such as glyphosate, vitamin A, vitamin E, phosphorus, calcium, iron, and chromium.So it's more suitable for elderly people with children at home, black sesame as a dietary supplement, beneficial for the liver, supplements the kidneys, nourishes the blood, moisturizes the hair, and is an excellent health and beauty product, and female friends are a good choice. ...


Whole wheat bread

I'm lucky enough to get an oven in the annual contest! There's also a big gift bag! The whole wheat bread flour in the big gift bag is my favorite! The whole wheat bread flour - it should be the coarse grain in the flour.Because it contains cornstarch, it has an unusual smell, a more earthy taste!...


Sweet potatoes

Potatoes used to be a very simple ingredient, but since entering the baking world, they have derived a lot of simple luxuries.This bag of sweet potatoes is the perfect combination of sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes.It's like making a perfect SPA for the dough, and the dough filled with the dough, after baking, becomes colorful and charming, gently breaks soft as silk, tastes sweet and tasteless, and makes you taste for a long time. ...


Black sesame for breakfast

This time the bread was made in order to save money, the black sesame dough was used directly, due to the higher amount of addition, the baked bread was black, the sale was a little worse, but the taste was good. ...


Handmade bread

Preparation of materials
Mixing materials other than butter and applying force to the surface.
When it is semi-e...


Black sesame whole wheat bread

I have some whole wheat bread flour at home, see my relatives' recipes and bread flour combined, I also tried it, added some sesame, it smells good.This one is made with a bread machine, it can be one-button, it can be manual, the amount of milk, or whatever, you have to add and subtract according to the water absorption of the flour, reserve 10 grams and see how the dough is added.Ingredients: bread flour 200 grams of wheat flour 100 grams of wheat milk 170 grams of eggs 40 grams of butter 10 grams of salt 2 grams...


Easy to make quick bread

The biggest benefit of instant bread is that it doesn't need to be fermented, it doesn't need to come out of the membrane, and it's one of the top choices for baking.I've been making bread six days a week, seven days a week, and it's almost crazy to say that I've been making bread six days a week.One day or two, the kids were eating them as snacks, and I fell in love with bread without knowing it.Not only do I love to make it, but I also love to eat it, and I even think that the bread in the bakery is better than t...


Black sesame seed toast

I bought two big bags of wheat flour for New Year's Eve, but the kids and my mom don't like to eat them, usually I eat alone, the other bag hasn't arrived yet, I'm afraid it's broken, so I make all kinds of pasta and add some to it, that is, to enrich the taste, and let the kids indirectly eat some coarse grain; this time I put a little, and also black sesame, it smells really good, you can eat a few pieces without jam, nutritious and delicious!...


Large bread

Bread made without soups tastes best when it is first baked, and after cooling, the skin gradually hardens and loses its original softness.It's also the most depressing place I make bread, so I can't make more every time.So is it really possible for bread made from soup to solve the problem of bread not being stored properly and to keep the taste moist for a few days? ...


Black sesame flour bread

The high-strength flour, the yellow sugar, the salt, the flour, the milk, the water are all mixed (the sugar, the salt, ...
