Rosemary egg bread

This is my favorite kind of bread, and it's made with a whole egg on top of a soft, soft loaf of bread. Oh, I made this bread at home today, and it tastes really good!...


Fresh shrimp and vegetable salad bread

It's an honor to be able to try the Chubi products this time, to tell you the truth, I'm frustrated, I don't know if I can be satisfied with the work, our family usually rarely eats salad dressing, I don't know much about salad dressing, I think that salad dressing can only be mixed with fruits and vegetables, this is just my opinion on the side of the salad dressing; through this Chubi product competition, I found that the salad dressing can make all kinds of delicious dishes, I also have a deeper understanding of...


Yellow salad bread

A reference to Teacher Meng...


Fried chicken leg sandwich

It's more than halfway through the Spring Festival, and even though I'm going to work, I still feel like I'm on vacation.Try to adjust your mindset and your diet.During the holidays, because you don't have to get up early, it also affects three meals a day, basically two meals a day, plus some snacks like fruit, cake, bread, etc.With the bread maker, the bread in the house is almost constant, and after eating it, you can make another one, slice it, dip it in jam, or make a sandwich, or fry it in French toast, and a...


Roller coaster with bacon toast

This rolled milk shake with bacon toast is an appetizer.The milk is mixed with rolled leaves and garlic, and the sauce is served with freshly baked bacon and crispy bread.In addition to the flavor of garlic, there is also a slight aroma of rosemary. ...


The tower of tomato bread

Tomatoes and rolls are the best pair with a freshly scented vanilla flavor, accompanied by a crispy bread, appetizing and healthy. ...


It tastes like garlic.

This is the only bread that my husband especially likes, because it's not like traditional bread, it tastes and tastes a little bit like a big pie, or it's a little bit like the bottom of a pizza.It's a bread that originated in northern Italy, and there are many ways to eat it with different spices or black olives or berries.The special smell of olive oil combined with the flavor of the spices is delicious. ...


Potato bacon and salted bread

My family's favorite vegetable is potatoes, and restaurants of all sizes will find potatoes.Today's recommendation is this onion, bacon, and potato salty bread, which gives the potato a magnificent big transformation.The deliciousness of the potatoes, the freshness of the bacon, the thickness of the onions accompanied by the spiciness of the black pepper, it is the more chewed the more fragrant, one bite after another can not stop, the taste is completely seduced by the naked temptation of salted bread!...


Rosemary leaf cake

With the spring breeze of rosemary, try different salty breads.And the most gratifying thing is that such bread can be accepted by the parents.Teacher Meng's leaf-shaped bread, replacing the surface spices with rosemary, wood with olive oil, and corn oil.Unfortunately, the grill is too small, the four pieces of dough are too cramped together, and it's impossible to pull the leaf vein out of the larger hole.It is feared that when baking, the gaps that are barely pulled out will be re-glued together due to the expans...


Soup and onion bread

Soup, in baking, refers to the addition of flour to water and then heating it to make the starch paste, or adding hot water of different temperatures to the flour to make the starch paste.This paste is used in soups.The biggest difference between soup bread and other breads is that the starch paste increases the absorption of water, so the structure of the bread is soft and elastic, which can delay aging and cater to the tastes of modern people. ...


Deep-fried fish bread

It's an honor to receive an Amazon olive oil evaluation campaign.Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, i.e. oleic and sub-oleic acids, as well as vitamins A, B, D, K, and antioxidants, and is considered to be the most suitable oil for human nutrition found to date. ...


Sweet potato bread

Today's bread is a real onion-scented bread, why do you say that, because it is made with two kinds of onions, onions and small onions, plus the popular dish potatoes, soft and onion-scented bread is refined like this. ...
