Cinnamon whole wheat bread

Add yeast, milk powder, and white sugar to the bread dough, use warm milk and dough, and put it in a warm place to ferme...


Pumpkin and sesame meal packages

Your mini pumpkin snack bag is very soft, make breakfast for your baby.I'm also hungry from time to time.Black sesame contains a lot of fat and protein, and also contains nutrients such as sugar, vitamin A, vitamin E, phosphorus, calcium, iron, and chromium.It promotes the growth of red blood cells and increases melanin in the body, which is beneficial for hair growth.White sesame has a high oil content, white sesame seeds are full of sesame seeds, the skin is thin, the taste is good, the aftertaste is aromatic, et...


Dragon cats chewing bread

I've always wanted to do it, but look at my procrastination again, I always do things slower than others, simple basic bread, as long as the concave shape can be so cute, look at the mood is also pleasant, especially children will especially like it, there are small children in the house, how can you miss the bread?Mould: 8 inch non-sticky hollow mould...


Sesame bread strips

My children especially love picnics, and every time they go to the park to play, they always ask me to bring picnic cloths and all kinds of food.After a walk in the park, I started to eat.In fact, it's not to play, it's to eat.This season, with the warmth of spring, is especially suitable for amusement parks, and the peach blossoms in the park are just right.A picnic blanket is laid under the tree, with food of various colors, fruits, and homemade bread cakes, small snacks.It always attracts the attention of passer...


Sesame seeds

It's not just good to eat, it's also important to nourish the eyes, after all, it can stimulate everyone's appetite....


Coffee, black sugar and almond cookies

I made a red sugar almond cookie two days ago, and I thought it tasted special, so I added some coffee powder today, even though it's a cottage.This cookie is crispy and tasty, and it has almond kernels, which is extra tasty.As for the baking powder, many people do not dare to use it, because many baking powders in the country contain aluminum, and some people even use it to break the cake after baking it will have a strange taste.In fact, the powder itself is made from some cornstarch soda powder and some other in...


The little spider biscuit

It's Halloween again, and it's time to prepare some weird and cute little treats for the kids.This little spider cookie is a little cookie made with butter, low flour and pumpkin flour, with a little spider shape made with chocolate and marshmallow on top, isn't it cute, don't give sugar to the cookie, the kid won't mess it up, and he'll love it. ...


Bread sticks

Mix all the main ingredients, put in the wrapping machine to make a slightly smooth dough and then add butter to make a ...


Sesame seeds

Tile ghee is a traditional Western dish, named after the similarity of the biscuits made to the tiles on the roof of the house.Although the process and ingredients are not complicated, this little heart is really delicious, crispy and delicious, and crispy!...


Sugarless, oilless and saltless oatmeal

When he gained 150 kilos, he realized that he was not feeling well, so he started losing weight, unintentionally inspired by his father's high-glycemic substitute biscuits.This cookie recipe is very simple, but very healthy, and very hunger-resistant, I don't think it's possible to lose weight on a diet, you have to eat something nutritious, change your diet, exercise moderately, and then quietly tell everyone that you lost 40 kilos in two years!...


Sesame cookies

It's a simple cookie, but it tastes great when you eat it. ...


Chickpeas and cookies

The butter is softened at room temperature, or the water separation melts the butter!
Black-and-white sesame spices ...
