The soufflé chocolate cake

I made this cake inspired by soufflé cheesecake.Because it's not too difficult, and you don't have to think about making a sponge cake, you have to be very careful about making the protein paste, so the students in my cooking class love this dessert, which is softer than classic chocolate, but has a stronger taste.I thought cake was always better when it was cold, but after taking this cake class, I found that hot chocolate cake is the most luxurious and delicious. ...


Black pepper and tomato paste

Christmas, the festival of boys and girls, don't go out with old salty meat like old Zhao! Today is also Friday, stay at home with your wife and daughter-in-law in the evening! Lobster, this thing has always been a synonym for high-end lobster in the ingredients; and pasta is also a pasta with more lobster in Western dishes.Today, I'm going to make a bowl of Boston lobster and noodles.This dish is both simple and high-quality, and you can learn it later and show your hands when you invite your friends to dinner. Oh...


It's called ice cream.




There's a little heart that's very popular in Cantonese morning and evening tea, and that's the sandbag, the sandbag, the sandbag, the sandbag, the sandbag, the sandbag.Today I'm learning how to make this snack, it's not too complicated, you can make it at home. ...


Crab bread

It's a lovely crab shape, thick cream with butter, and you can taste it when you knead it....



300 grams of plain flour with 1 teaspoon of white sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of dry yeast.
Take 200 ml of...


Oil on canvas

Some time ago, I made a ghee moon cake, baked some pork fat, and left a bowl of butter.It's very good, it's very good, it's very good, it's very good, it's very good, it's very good, it's very good.I made four, and my daughter ate two and a half of them herself, and the scent was delicious. Oh! She was eating her own pancakes, and suddenly she remembered her childhood, and the taste in her memory was so beautiful....
