Fresh sea cake

Some say that blue represents melancholy, some say that blue represents openness, some say that blue represents openness... the feeling of not being touched by these is to like that pure blue, like the sea in the impression.The blue sea water, the white shells, the sea breeze blowing in the face, the cake can also have the taste of the sea.The sweetness of the yogurt combined with the sweetness of the cream transforms the taste in the mouth and is a refreshing cake in the summer. ...


Chocolate sponge cake

This is a modified version of the ordinary chocolate cake created by an English chef, who originally wanted to make a chocolate cake to fill his stomach, but found that the kitchen did not have the low-fat flour to make the cake, and to fill his stomach, he barely made a chocolate cake without flour, and found that it tasted great, and that the chocolate flavor of this cake was more delicious than the chocolate cake with flour.When it comes to making desserts, cream is a staple, and in the dessert-rich countries of...


1 minute microwave cake

Do not use an oven.A microwave can make a delicious cake in a minute.Are you sure you don't want to try?...


Madeleine's little cake

Madeleine cake (shell cake) is a small dessert with French flavor, originally used for home cooking.To promote it to the world's cake hall of fame, it would have to be the French Grand Master Proust.Proust's memories of the taste of the shell cake led him to write a long literary epic about the shell cake, which also put the shell cake on the stage of history.It is rumored that the shell cake (madeleines) is also known as Madeleine commercy.It is said to be a small restaurant with a family flavor in the French town...


Quality Shuffle

Shuffle, also known as shuffle curry egg curry.The freshly baked soufflé is fluffy and lightweight, especially suitable for children, especially babies, and delicate and nutritious.But it only lasts for a few minutes and collapses quickly as the heat dissipates.So the soufflé is not very popular, and if you want to taste it, it's a good option to make it at home. ...


Street painted cake rolls

Occasionally, I make a colorful cake roll and play with the two children in the family.It's very exciting to put your favorite drawing on a cake roll, although it's a bit of a hassle, but it's a lot of fun! This flying cake roll needs five colors, so it's more of a hassle....


Whole wheat bread

There were no eggs and milk in the recipe, I didn't think it was right, there was too little liquid, it was unlikely, so when I made the bread, I added an egg first, poured it into the milk, the milk didn't say, about 70 grams, water was added a little bit, and finally 90 grams of water was added, the face was a little soft, but it turned out that for whole wheat bread, the water content was quite good.In the baking machine and dough stage, you can smell the unique smell of whole wheat flour, and in the baking stag...


Ham and potato bread

Prepare the ingredients for the dough.
Liquid, flour, sugar... put the ingredients in the bread maker in order, fina...


Whole wheat sticks + buckwheat jam + fried bacon

Today I made this energy-packed golden breakfast package, a combination of whole-wheat noodles, butter, jam, bacon, milk, corn, and fruit porridge, which I had made the day before, and the next morning I woke up and had it ready.Speaking of sticks, even though it doesn't appeal to most people's eyes and taste buds, I just love the simplicity of it.Not only is it healthy and delicious, but it's also addictive, so you might want to try it for breakfast. ...



Each time a tofu machine is used to make a pot of tofu, 100 grams of tofu can be isolated.The beans are used to make pancakes, and the pancakes are greasy and rough to eat.So today I tried to add it to the dough as a medium to make bread... the result was surprising, the bread is very elastic, but does not lose its softness, tears and does not eat the crumbs, with a faint smell of soy sauce.Starting the bread machine in the middle of the night, using the reservation feature, going through seven hours of bread, excl...


Hot dogs

I like meatloaf, I like salad dressing, I like ham, so I like hot dogs, I like to challenge dough, I feel like I've succeeded....


Carrot meal packages

Dig a hole in the high flour, pour into the yeast, stir evenly
Pour water in the center and stir from the middle tow...
