The rabbit cake

My husband is a rabbit, and he made a rabbit-shaped birthday cake for my husband's birthday, because it was the first time I tried it, and it seemed like a simple little rabbit had a lot of problems!...


Santa's cream cake

December 22nd is my brother's birthday.To celebrate Christmas and new joy, I made this birthday cake with festive colors for my brother.I couldn't think of a specific name, because it was decorated with fresh strawberries, and it looked like a cute Santa Claus, so I came up with this theme.What are they discussing? Oh, they're discussing how to send gifts. All right, give this gift to your brother first....


Christmas cakes with sugar

Everyone likes to receive gifts, open the gift box, how would you feel? Expectation, curiosity, surprise, happiness... Anyway, no matter how precious the gift is, no matter how big the gift is, it's the heart of relatives and friends, it will make you feel good, knowing that you are cared for and remembered.The feeling of receiving a gift is a joy that cannot be expressed in words, especially those that are filled with the heart of the giver, gifts that can touch your heart will make you cherish it forever.Give him...


Christmas treats with sugar paper cup cakes

It's not the same, it's not the same, it's not the same, it's not the same, it's not the same, it's not the same....


Sugared doughnuts

Sugared doughnuts, pink chocolate coats, and pink flowers are adorable, and gifts should be decent."Recently I found out that my level of photography is really bad, something that is supposed to be beautiful, you can't always express it to the fullest, shouldn't I take a photography course?" ...


Pumpkin wheat flour cake

Coarse-grained wheat flour (Turkish irmik, English semolina) is a nutritious food rich in protein, carbohydrates and vitamins, suitable for people with high blood sugar and diabetes mellitus, and helpful for weight loss.The pastry made from coarse wheat flour tastes great and is super simple.As long as it's done according to the formula, the failure rate is absolutely zero. ...


Fresh fruit cake

It's New Year's Eve, and when you go to visit family and friends, you can't help but bring some gifts.Every now and then, the flower makers struggle to make beautiful cakes and little hearts, while the healthy people worry that the finished product has too much sugar and additives in it, and there is a category of little ghosts that absolutely cannot accept that there are inedible materials in the heart, and decorations are not allowed.If you're one of these three, or all three, then today is your lucky day.Because...


Rainbow cakes

On the last day of 2014, make a beautiful cake.Do as you please.It's just that the six-inch model is back, so turn on the lights.This cake is not ideal because it has a little bit of sediment on the top, because the color is not completely done, because the movement is too big when the film is removed, ... well, none of this affects its deliciousness, I know, the monkey will like it, the monkey will like it, that's enough!...


Snow peak buffalo

It's the first time I've made it, because it's in my high-calorie category, but my husband ordered it, and he's not afraid of getting fat anyway!...


Bathing doll cake

Preparation of materials
Mix the olive oil, orange juice and white sugar together.
Add the low-powder sieve to t...


Car cake

My son is ten years old, the first ten years of his life, it's really important, everyone says that boys like cars, I asked him a few days in advance, to make him a car cake is good or not, the little guy is very happy, when the car is good, he always watches and refuses to leave...


The little tiger cake

I'm going to say that this little tiger is a gift to my father, you won't laugh out loud! My father's majestic life, now retired, but it's really on top of the cute one! So cute is nothing, it's too much, I even used pink to make clothes! My niece said, this is a mother tiger!...
