This is Shinjuku Pizza.

Mix all the main ingredients, knead into a smooth, stretchy dough, cover with a preservative film, and ferment at room t...


Eco-friendly filled bags

The filling is completely oil-free, which is relatively environmentally friendly. ...


The almond pie

I didn't really think about sending the recipe, I just had a fever in my head, I wanted to use the dough in the fridge that I didn't use the last time, and when I did, I remembered to take a picture, so there was no process map, hopefully you can understand....


French Apple Tart

A nine-inch tower...


Oil-free healthy low-fat sponge cake

I like cake and I like it healthy....


Swedish almond cake

I like almonds, I don't know if any of you have ever eaten an almond cake? I added chocolate, I omitted it here, friends who like chocolate can consider adding, this is a dessert between pie and cake, it will not be very sweet, suitable for relatives who do not like to eat too sweet...


Almond sponge cake

The process is the same as sponge cake, except that the almond flour is added to the flour and the almond slices are sprinkled in the oven, but the taste is very different....


Tofu and almond muffins

Replace the cream cheese in the cheese muffin with tofu, it tastes lighter, and it's healthier....


Whole egg sponge cup cake

I made a whole egg sponge cup cake for my nephew.Although the time is short, from the selection of materials to the production to the packaging, everything is meticulous.I'm sure he'll eat his aunt's heart for him.[Love and affection]...


Almond meat cake rolls

The meat pie roll is very common, but to eat it well, there are two tricks, the meat pie must be meat-like, that is, the entrance must be made that way, so that there is no sticky mouth or constant biting embarrassment, the cake can also be baked with almond slices and seaweed, so that the cake roll has no flavor, rich taste.DIY cake rolls at home are delicious, you have to be more careful than the ones on the market!...


Beans and cookies

100 g of bean powder, 100 g of low powder, mixed with a moderate amount of almond slices.
Mix evenly and add 100 ml ...


Coconut and almond sauce

The dough is mixed with oil until it is in perfect condition.
After mixing the dough, place it in a warm place and a...
