The pineapple bag

The other day, I went to see my boyfriend with my girlfriend, and I liked the feeling of being with her.The two of you are lying on the couch, comfortably digging watermelon, you're taking a bite, I'm taking a bite, watching a horror movie, arguing about who's going to do the dishes.Such a small life is really happiness.Although I'm very supportive of Uncle Xu...I love to watch Hong Kong dramas, I love to see all kinds of food in them, pineapple bags, breakfast tea, roasted pineapple bags, it's better to study, it'...


Cheese and bread crab with Korean crab meat pie

Prepare all materials for cleaning and sorting
The yellow crab is placed in the crab shell, and all the other crab m...


Garlic and cheese.

Just as I was about to go shopping, the neighbors came and sat down, there was nothing else in the house except a French stick, it was good that it was summer, there was a lot of vegetables in the garden, so I was ready to bake a garlic bread to go with the milk tea!...


Steak and hamburger

A hamburger is a food that uses a round loaf of bread filling, made in a similar way to a sandwich, and is now widely regarded as a representative of American fast food.But now more and more Americans are aware of the harm that cheap hamburgers do to the body, and the biggest danger is the quality of the hamburger meat, which uses the lowest-quality beef, which contains a lot of fat, crumbs, etc. According to friends who used to work in some of the world's most famous fast food restaurants, their beef costs only a ...


Wrinkled cabbage hams

Crunchy cabbage, also known as crunchy cabbage, crunchy cabbage, crunchy cabbage, is a natural liver protector, cancer-fighting plant, and can prevent excessive absorption of cholesterol and bile acids in the intestine. It is especially beneficial for patients with arteriosclerosis, gallstones and obese patients.There are many ways to eat crunchy cabbage, raw, fried, grilled, mixed with other foods, you can also make pickles, stewed, spicy dishes, etc. There is not much time for lunch, I also admire the food to be ...



Kacha is not pronounced correctly, its last syllable is a bit like chia (some notes are not visible here, it was intended to mark the international notes), which belongs to the Italian flat bread, the operation is not complicated, you can add your favorite spices on top, the aroma is strong after baking, the most obvious feature is a wine cellar pressed down with your finger.The bread is soft, slightly salty, and has a unique flavor. ...


Spicy bread crumbs

The stimulating spicy flavor combined with the toughness of the top layer creates its unique flavor.It's like a spicy vegetable that makes you addicted, and it's like a snack that brings you absolute surprises. ...


Tomato and cauliflower

Red wine vinegar and olive oil are poured into the plate, the vodka is cut into small pieces and dipped in it, and the most simple and original aroma is felt in the mouth a little bit, it's impossible not to like it......


Cheese-flavored French fries

Potatoes and cheese are the best combination! A spoonful of cheese sauce is poured on the glutinous potatoes, baked for a while, and perfectly baked. ...


Black sea salt and almond cookies

Preheat the oven to 190C.
The pan is coated with oil paper.
Mix flour and almond flour in a small bowl.
Mix ...


The pizza.

I like to eat a dough-fermented pizza with a soft, thick side and a crispy bottom. What do you say? What do you hate most about pizza? What if it's as soft and fragrant as freshly baked bread?...


Foccacia bread

Focaccia is a famous flat flat pack originating from Italy, which is eaten with a pizza-like base, usually topped with various herbs and olive oil, and more fancy ones are baked with onions, cheese and various meats.It is usually eaten as a main dish in the West, similar to our rice, with all kinds of meat and salads.Bakers usually scratch the surface of the bread with a knife before baking, or press a few fingers down to release some small bubbles on the surface of the bread.It's best eaten hot with olive oil, but...
