Red sugar red date bread

Add the eggs to the milk and stir properly.
Add the flour, add the sugar, add the salt, use your fingers to make a s...


Chinese milk-scented bread

The oven hasn't been on fire, today I tried it, it's actually the first time I've used the oven to make bread, so the ingredients are not the same, I use coconut flour instead of high-fiber flour, peanut oil instead of butter, so I call it Chinese cream bread. ...


Flower bread

Add small pieces of butter to the selection and continue to knead the dough until the expansion stage.
Choose to fer...


Onion meal pack

The ingredients are ready, add all the ingredients in the flour (except the butter for now) add water slowly! add until ...


Nutritious whole wheat pack

You can also add almonds, cucumbers, and dried fruit....


Sweet potatoes

Yeast and water fusion backup
High-low flour, milk powder, sugar mixed through a sieve, salted
Add the eggs.


Tofu bread rolls

It's not that good-looking, but it's clean, it's convenient, it's safe to eat....


Bread with meat

Flour, eggs, sugar, milk powder, salt, yeast, water mixed evenly.
It's been 15 minutes.
At about the same time, ...


Honey bread

Eggs 55 grams of honey, flour, salt, sugar and yeast milk
Add the butter and continue to knead, fermenting twice as ...


A small meal of pink roses

High-powdered low-powdered red curd, salt, sugar, and yeast are added to the bread machine, and a moderate amount of lig...


Red sugar gingerbread

Ginger juice, red sugar water, is good for the body and this crispy flavored bread is the classic combination used.The bread is edible, has a sweet taste of red sugar, and a faint taste of ginger.When freshly baked and cooled, the outer skin is crisp, and the inside of the bread is soft.~by @dust...


Ham and cheese bread

Add sugar, salt, and yeast to the flour, mix the eggs, and slowly add water to the dough, stirring until it is not stick...
