The golden orange pie

Ingredients: low-flour 250 grams of coconut oil 50 grams of coconut butter 10 grams of coconut sugar 60 grams of coconut...


Tea and sugar cream cookies

This cookie reminds me of my childhood, when I was born with 70 tails, my childhood was spent in the countryside, the lack of material in the countryside, snacks are simply a luxury, in the memory of the countryside, the best snack is never more than white sugar, is it unimaginable? Sweet white sugar can also be eaten as a snack!Following my grandmother, my materially impoverished childhood was also a sweet treat! This sweet and fattening white sugar became the best memory of my childhood.And then, when I was in ju...


Milk and eggs

The other day I learned how to make cakes, and I often make them for my son, who also loves to eat them.Later, if you eat more, you'll have enough, and if the cake gets cold, you'll lose fat (because my son is too young to eat).And the cake is too big, I can't eat it all.What can I do? One day, while baking a cake, I suddenly wondered if I could make a cake into a small cake, so that the children could take it with them, eat as much as they want, and not waste it.So one morning, he became my son's breakfast, and my...


Lemon cookies

This cookie is lemon-sweetened!...


Seafood biscuits

The seaweed is crushed and then added to a low-flour mixture, with an appropriate amount of salt sugar and baking powder...


Christmas cream cookies

Sugar powder added after melting butter at room temperature
Add the powdered sugar until it turns white and add the ...



Egg juice, sugar, and vegetable oil mixed and stirred evenly to A (leave a slice of egg juice, brush the peach afterward...


hand-made cupcake

Butter softened at room temperature, hand-fired.
Add sugar and stir until the volume is slightly large and flaky.


Chocolate cake

That's good....


The durian cake

This quantity, specifications: cup bottom 42mm, cup mouth 56mm, height 43mm West Point can make six cupsIf you want to make more at once, increase the amount of raw materials proportionally....


Chocolate cake

I love cocoa....


Chocolate muffins

Preparation materials, butter at room temperature
Mixed flour, flour and baking soda
The sugar in the butter is ...
