Sheep's horn

It's very simple, and newcomers can try it. ...


Ten inches of cake

I don't have a step-by-step diagram, so I'm going to give you a 360 degree view of my windshield, and I think I'm going to choose a 10 inch windshield, and you should have some understanding of windshields, so no step-by-step diagram is irrelevant....


Steamed cake

Melt the beef oil and add the yeast to the 30°C water.
The eggs are cooked until they bubble, and the milk, sugar, y...


Colorful carols

The syrup is first heated with a small fire to prevent the sugar from melting completely and crystallizing, you can gent...


Eggs and butter

I like to make egg yolk because everyone in the family loves it, especially my husband, who can eat three eggs at a time.And I have a six-year-old son who loves to do it, and he's the one who started doing it today.A family in a warm afternoon at home, with two sons making delicious snacks for a family, the mood also seems to be particularly good. ...


It's a quick one.

The eggs in my house are very small, and the size of the eggs is not that big, so I use less water in my tapis and towers, and these materials are just enough to make six eggs.If it's a typical Portuguese egg mold, double the raw material if necessary!...


The classic flavored cake - orange madeleine

Madeleine is a small afternoon cake from West Point, originating in France.It reminds me of that scene when I was just learning to bake.At that time, the first one was from Madeleine, who was full of self-confidence, and in the end it was all lost, and when it came out of the oven, the wretch still remembered, the dough filled the whole grill, not half like Madeleine.Although nowadays many kinds of snacks can be enjoyed, and it's not difficult to be Madeleine, after watching TV, you realize that you should go throu...


Eggs and eggs.

Prepare the tofu first, because the finished tofu needs to be loose for a while!
Mix the butter, sugar, and salt tog...


The classic New York cheese is thick, sour and sweet.

I've made a heavy cheesecake, I've eaten New York cheese from Starbucks, and I feel like I still like Starbucks a little bit more, that kind of concentrated feeling.Mixed with cream cheese and mascarpone, the taste is softer.You can also use all the cream cheese, it'll be tighter in the mouth. ...


Birthday cake rolls painted

For my sister's birthday, I made this cake to cheer her up.This colorful cake roll is cumbersome, but the finished product is amazing and pleasant, and occasionally it's a good gift.The square is chosen from a book of colored cake rolls. ...


Rice and lemon cake

Butter with white sugar, heated stirring, adding a little oil
Stir until the butter mixes with the white sugar.


Rainbow cake

The first time I did it, it tasted good, the last time I died, I didn't put it on the flower, I put it on the flower, it doesn't matter, what the hell is this?...
