Orange cake - no need for technology

The resulting cake is really delicious, and I've always thought the muffin cake was too dense and dry.You won't regret it, even if it's hot or cold. ...


A thick brownie-flavored popcorn cake

Children's Day, a small gift for my son, previously made in the original, always felt bad taste, occasionally found this recipe, made it feel very good, share it with everyone!...


Soft cupcakes

Prepare the above materials.
Pour corn oil into a non-sticky pot.
Turn off the stove after micro-firing


Tea and honey rolls

I like the fresh green of matcha, and I prefer the sweetness of honeybees, and the combination of the two tastes is incomparable."A hint of freshness, a hint of warmth, a hint of warmth..."...


The mini coconut cake.

Since I've had it, I've been tinkering with it, and today's mini naked cake is the result of tinkering with the wall cooker, although the cream is delicious, but the calorie of the cream is very high, and I don't usually like to eat it.But I like the smell of coconut, so I put the coconut in the cooker and make it into a paste, and then I put it on top of the cake, and then I put some chopped peanut butter and cranberries.The sweetness of the sugar-coated coconut slices is too heavy, and it's boring to make it into...


I'm not sure what to say.

I used to make raisins, but I have a lot of raisins in my house, so I'm wondering if it's healthy to make raisins....


Spring lovers - white chocolate and marshmallows

It's the season of love, the streets and alleys are full of the taste of love, taste this crisp skin, nuts and oranges romantically intertwined with Madeleine.You can have a cup of black tea to remember the New Year, or you can have a cup of black coffee to chase your lover in the spring. ...


A cup of lemon juice

A delicious pastry without an oven...


Strawberry cake

Prepare the above materials.
Take half of the butter and put it in the rice cooker to preheat (be careful to dry the...


Healthy dried fruit cake

All the raw materials are prepared as shown, the dried fruit is first soaked in rum, the eggs are placed at normal tempe...


Yogurt cakes - steamed cakes can also be made into simple and delicious cakes

Food and supplies
Egg whites, egg yolk separation (there is no electric whiter, now add a few drops of salt to the e...


Cake with crispy skin

I've always wanted to make a healthy cake for my baby, but there's always butter, and today I suddenly found a muffin cup at home, so I thought I'd make a small cake, and it's easy to eat.This little cake is very healthy, but it's also very simple, and it's short-lived, so it's not only good for children, but also for the elderly.It's delicious, it's crispy on the surface, it's soft on the inside, it's delicious!...
