My little princess.

The last piece of cheese, and that's the end of the event.Baby series, I love every one of them. ...


The indictment

Mix the high flour, low flour, sugar, salt, and yeast evenly, then pour into the egg juice, boil the milk, open the oliv...


Cheese bread

Whether in a bakery or in a private custom-made bakery, you will always see the image of cheese bread.I'm not very interested in it myself, my son is very interested in it, it gives me the impulse to do it, and in the process of doing it, I find that the milk powder has run out, and there is no milk powder in the cheese filling.It's not very satisfying the first time. ...


Bacon bread

Salty bread is always the most popular, with rich fillings, bacon, carrot butter, corn kernels, cheese crumbs, it's addictive, and more importantly, it's nutritious, and it's perfect for kids who are picky!...


Potato ham bread

The dough is mixed and kneaded into a dough, then kneaded until the dough is finer, soft and elastic, take a small piece...


Red wine dry bread

Mix the dough and put it in the refrigerator overnight.
After removal, it is cut into small pieces and mixed with th...


Handmade toast

Medium ingredients: high starch flour 105 g low starch flour 45 g refined sugar 12 g yeast 3 g water 120 g
Stir even...


Sausage rolls

Put all the basic ingredients except butter, sausage, and sesame seeds into the bread machine, in order: milk, an egg, w...


Food packages

This is a very common hot dog, the groceries are oatmeal and wheat germ 10 grams each, you can also add your own favorite nuts.The usual bread can be cut open from the middle into lettuce, ham squeezed into tomato sauce and salad sauce.Make six at a time, and if you can't finish it, you can seal it in a fresh bag and keep it in the freezer, and you can reheat it the next time you want to eat it. ...


Soup, eggs, and milk

Now I've found that the bread with the soup is really baked, and it tastes good.This recipe is made in two styles, one of which is a beautiful sheep and goat with a reference to the #FaiFaiBeauty pattern, which is really cool!...


Coconut bread, super simple, 100% success rate

The ingredients of the dough are mixed, and the ingredients other than oil and flour are mixed first, then the flour is ...


Whole grain bread

I've been watching people make bread and cakes, I don't dare to come here, I'm embarrassed to say that I've made bread more than a dozen times, because there are no measuring tools, it's all based on experience to make bread, so when I first started making bread, I often failed, but after doing it a few times, I got to know about the water absorption and firmness of the flour, slowly I started to say that it was my way of bread, in the beginning someone at home sent a small oven of 9 liters, I wanted to try to bake...
